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what is management
a process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, with and through other people
what is the management process?
Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
What is planning?
defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans
what is organizing
coordinating resources to meet the organization’s needs
what is leading
motivating employees, directing others, resolving conflict
what is controlling
monitoring performance, correcting significant deviations
what are examples of resources
money, manpower, natural resources
T/F: it is not possible to lead both an efficient and effective team in the work force
why are goals important?
Goals are important to help lead your team to an end goal
why is management important?
would you practice if you didn’t have a coach?
is management a science or an art?
both; research says management cannot be taught and is therefore an art. you can research the skills you have, therefore a science
what are the levels of management
non-supervisors, 1st line, mid line, top
who are non-supervisors
those not in a management role (entry-level associates)
who are in the 1st line
those who got hired in or promoted from non-sup level
who are in the mid line
those that typically have the most experience
what is the c-suite
CEO, CFO, COO, CRO, etc.
what are functional managers?
those with a specific department (kids toys, women’s clothes, etc.)
what are general managers?
can do everything a functional manager does, but doesn’t have the time
what are line managers?
hands on with the product/process
what are staff managers?
they are advisory (HR, legal department)
skills needed for management
communication, analytic, technical, decisional, administrative, hr
roles managers play
interpersonal, informational, decisional
what are interpersonal roles
representing the organization, leading the team, and going between 1st line and top (liaison)
what are informational roles
monitoring, sharing necessary info with employees, speaking for the organization
what are decisional roles
sharing creative ideas, managing conflict, negotiating and allocating necessary resources
who was fredrick taylor?
father of scientific management, belligerently scientific
who were frank and lillian gilbreth?
helped to eliminate as many steps in the management process as possible
who was fayol?
developed the 14 principles of management
who was barnard
created acceptance theory, said the real power in the organization comes from non-supervisors. created inverse pyramid where non-sups were atop.
who was follett
contributed to conflict management
who was mayo
concluded productivity increased when management paid attention to them in the Hawthorne experiments
who was mcgregor
said that attitudes towards work were on a spectrum - theory x is authoritative, theory y is enjoyable
who was argyris
said that once an employee gets shut down, they won’t contribute new ideas
who was maslow
had hierarchy of needs, said once you meet one stage you move onto the next
what is the quantitative management theory?
evaluate numbers for how much inventory to manufacture.
systems of management
subsystem, synergym flow, open, feedback
what is a subsystem system
the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
what is a synergy system
all of the system parts fit together for the system to work
what is a flow system
inputs to process to outputs
what is an open system
communication flow going out and in
what is a feedback system
are we doing what we are supposed to be doing?
what is the contingency theory
different problems require different solutions
who was deming
father of total quality management - you should always be improving
who was duran
planning, improvement, control, quality is a management problem
who was crosby
zero defects, quality is management’s problem, stay on your toes
what is ISO
international standard organization - allows you to do international business
what is six sigma
quality organization, only accepts 3.4 million defects
what is lean manufacturing
eliminates waste everywhere; healthcare combines this with six sigma
T/F: evidence-based management is fast, clear and concrete
T/F: external environments affect things inside and cannot be changed
what are environmental components
economic, demographics, technology, sociocultural, political/legal, global
generations in the workplace
tradionalists, boomers, gen x, y, z
how does the external environment affect jobs?
downturn/upturn in economy, predicting supply and demand, hire temporary workers, alternative work schedules, uncertain environment
T/F: uncertain environments prevent strategic planning
what is organizational culture like
culture is the company’s personality - if you don’t like it, don’t apply
why should you globalize
make more money, lower labor costs, access to more resources
how do you globalize
minimal investment to significant investments
what are market strategies
global sourcing, importing/exporting, licensing/franchising
what are strategic alliances
big companies come together to work on a project
what are joint ventures
type of strategic alliance, companies come together to create a new small company
what are foreign subsidiaries
the most risky, significant investments
types of multinational corps.
multi-domestic (thinking global, acting local), transnational (borderless, efficient, effective), global (typically standardized products)
T/F: ethics are relative, can change based on circumstances
what are personal ethics
differnece between right and wrong, pressure from others, environment
what are business ethics
pressure from others, employee handbook, law
what is employee pilfrage
stealing from the business
what is whistleblowing
revealing crimes happening inside the company
what is social responsibility
an organization’s obligation to benefit society in ways that transcend the primary business goals of maxing profit