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biological psychology
The branch of psychology that studies the relationship between biological processes and behavior.
A nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system.
The part of a neuron that receives signals from other neurons.
The long, slender projection of a neuron that transmits signals away from the cell body.
myelin sheath
A fatty substance that surrounds and insulates the axon, speeding up neural transmission.
action potential
A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon, enabling communication between neurons.
The level of stimulation required to trigger an action potential in a neuron.
The junction between two neurons where neurotransmitters are released.
Chemicals released by neurons that transmit signals across synapses.
acetylcholine (ACh)
A neurotransmitter involved in learning, memory, and muscle movement.
Neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and are involved in pleasure.
nervous system
The system of neurons that coordinates actions and sensory information.
central nervous system (CNS)
The part of the nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord.
peripheral nervous system (PNS)
The part of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord.
Bundles of axons that transmit information to and from the central nervous system.
sensory neurons
Neurons that carry incoming information from the sensory receptors to the central nervous system.
motor neurons
Neurons that carry outgoing information from the central nervous system to muscles and glands.
Neurons that communicate between sensory and motor neurons.
somatic nervous system
The division of the peripheral nervous system that controls voluntary muscle movements.
autonomic nervous system
The division of the peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary functions.
sympathetic nervous system
The part of the autonomic nervous system that arouses the body for fight-or-flight response.
parasympathetic nervous system
The part of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body and conserves energy.
neural networks
Interconnected groups of neurons that work together to process information.
endocrine system
The system of glands that produce hormones and regulate bodily functions.
Chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands that affect various bodily functions.
adrenal glands
Glands located above the kidneys that produce hormones related to stress response.
pituitary gland
The master gland of the endocrine system that regulates other glands and hormones.
Tissue damage in the brain, often studied to understand brain function.
electroencephalogram (EEG)
A test that detects electrical activity in the brain.
PET scan
A type of imaging test that helps reveal how your tissues and organs are functioning.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
A scanning technique that produces detailed images of organs and tissues.
fMRI (functional MRI)
An imaging technique that measures brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow.
The part of the brain that connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls basic life functions.
The base of the brainstem that controls vital functions such as heartbeat and breathing.
reticular formation
A network of neurons in the brainstem that plays a key role in arousal and attention.
The brain structure that acts as a relay station for sensory information.
The part of the brain that coordinates movement and balance.
limbic system
A set of structures in the brain involved in emotions and memory.
Two almond-shaped clusters in the limbic system that are linked to emotion.
A brain structure that regulates homeostasis and controls the endocrine system.
cerebral cortex
The outer layer of the brain involved in higher-level cognitive functions.
glial cells (glia)
Supportive cells in the nervous system that assist neurons.
frontal lobes
The lobes of the brain involved in reasoning, planning, and movement.
parietal lobes
The lobes of the brain that process sensory input and spatial awareness.
occipital lobes
The lobes at the back of the brain that are responsible for visual processing.
temporal lobes
The lobes of the brain involved in auditory processing and language.
motor cortex
The area of the cerebral cortex responsible for voluntary movements.
sensory cortex
The area of the cerebral cortex that processes sensory information.
association areas
Areas of the cerebral cortex involved in higher mental functions such as learning.
A language disorder resulting from brain damage.
Broca’s area
The region of the frontal lobe involved in speech production.
Wernicke’s area
The region of the temporal lobe involved in language comprehension.
The brain's ability to change and adapt in response to experience.
corpus callosum
The bundle of nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres of the brain.
split brain
A condition resulting from the severing of the corpus callosum, affecting communication between hemispheres.