Believed that the mind was separate from the body, derived genetics , and that the mind continued after death
Same beliefs as Socrates ( Was a student ) , thought knowledge after death continued within as well
Taught by Plato , believed opposite ; mind inseparable from body + knowledge obtained through observation
Derived “Animal spirits” flowing though nerves into the nervous system
The “Father of experimental psychology” , worked with Titchner
Introduction to introspection
Use of introspection to reveal the structure of the human mind
Process of looking inward in an attempt to directly observe one’s psychological process
John Locke
Formed modern empiricism
Idea that ones knowledge comes from experience
William James
Function ; Thoughts & feelings
Charles Darwin
Animal and Human behavior
James + Dewey + Darwin ; Explored how the mental and behavioral processes function : adapt , survive , flourish
Dorothea Dix
Founded at least 30 hospitals - all in order to treat the mentally ill, of which were considered to be incurable / untreatable
Mary Whiton Calkins
Denied a Ph.D. , memory analysis research , 1st APA president ( Professional , academic psychologists )
Margaret Floy Washburn
1st woman to receive a Ph.D. , studied animal behavior
Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalytic Psychology , studied the unconscious mind + childhood-affecting behaviors , worked with Jung & Alder
B.F. Skinner
Studied how consequences affected behavior , worked with John Watson
John Watson
Dismissed introspection ; redefined psychology as “the scientific study of observable behavior” ; studied on a baby known as “Little Albert”
The view that psychology is an objective science reinforcing behaviors to mental processes
Ivan Pavlov
Introduced Classical Conditioning , behaviors of dogs & foods to sounds , worked with Kandel
Humanistic Psychology
A historically scientific perspective emphasizing human growth potential
G. Stanley Hall
Cognitive science . . . that’s it
evolutionary psychology
study of behavior, thought, & feeling through the lens of evolutionary biology
gesalt psychology
schools founded 20th cen., provided foundation for the study of modern perception
psychodynamic psychology
emphasizes systematic study of the psychological forces that underlie human behavior, feelings, & emotions ; early experience
cognitive psychology
branch of psychology dedicated to study peoples thoughts
social-cultural psychology
examines the influences of social and cultural environment on behavior
behavior-genetics psychology
study of the manner-genetic variation affects psychological phenotypes, cognitive abilities, persona mental illness, social attitude
neuroscience perspective
study of the body;s functional psychological processes based on activities of neutral + structural processes in the brain
levels of analysis; biopsychosocial approach
biological , psychological , & social factors - complex interactions in understanding health, illness, & heath care delivery
applied research
non-systematic way of finding solutions to specific issues / problems
basic research
scientific investigations that are conducted to expand knowledge and understanding in a particular field, without any immediate practical application or goal.
science of measuring mental capacities / processes
study how people grow, develop, & adapt - diff. life stages
relationship between learning + physical + social environment
investigating persistent traits
exploring how we view and affect one another
help people cope with challenges / crisis
assess + treat people w/ behavioral / mental disorders
medical doctors licensed to prescribe medicine
community psychologists
work to create social + physical environments - healthy
study variety of basic behavioral mental processes
industrial organization
relationships btwn ppl + their work environments
human factors
allied with industrial organization ; explore how people + machines interact
measurement of human abilities through observement
study + develop methods for collecting + analyzing thru surveys + focus groups
emphasizes application of research + experiments