Terms, Concepts and Processes.
Research Evidence
Gaps/Grey Areas
Elaborate on the framework ‘Research Evidence’
Research can be carried out by testing predictions made by the theory. When multiple scientific studies repeatedly confirm the predictions, a theory gains greater acceptance. Repeated testing can also generate new information or new leads.
Qualitative research looks at information that is not in numerical terms.
It is descriptive in nature.
It tends to be more specific and focuses on a particular group, and provides a nuanced and detailed look into phenomena.
Case studies
Quantitative research looks at patterns in numeric data.
Data is gathered in units of measurement or categories.
It can be used to construct graphs and tables.
Correlational research
Surveys/Questionnaires - they’re actually tools but ok
To replicate the experiment
To clarify what is being studied
To strengthen the whole process
To convert something conceptual and broad into a specific measurable unit.
participant variables are controlled. Less confounding variables.
Fewer participants are needed
Can keep larger sample size, don’t need to eliminate or balance as much.
Order Effects
Demand Characteristics
Same materials cannot be used for both/all conditions.
Participants form an interpretation of the experiment’s purpose and subconsciously/consciously change their behaviour to fit that interpretation. Types:
Expectancy Effect
Screw-You Effect
Social Desirability Effect
Order effects are controlled for.
Demand characteristics are lowered.
Same materials can be used for all conditions.
Data collection will be less time consuming if all conditions can be conducted simultaneously.
Participant variability may greatly influence results. Groups must be balanced from the start.
Different participants for each condition may be difficult to gather, and can be expensive.