Definition: to stress
Synonyms: highlight, emphasize
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up & development
Verbs that show emphasis
Verbs that describe/identify
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
extends, accentuates, heightens
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to oppose
Synonyms: challenge, dispute, resist
Verb Categories:
Verbs that challenge
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Verbs that reveal change/shifts in analysis
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
disputes, confronts, challenges, contests
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to describe
Synonyms: depict, present, portray
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Verbs that show emphasis
Verbs that describe/identify
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to stray
Synonyms: veer, digress, contradict
Verb Categories:
Verbs that challenge
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Verbs that reveal change/shifts in analysis
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
deviates and vacillates
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to evoke
Synonyms: draw out, induce, generate, provoke
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Verbs that evoke/extract/”draw out”
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
elicits and evokes
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to recount
Synonyms: list, recapitulate, identify
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Verbs that show emphasis
Verbs that describe/identify
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to overpower
Synonyms: overload, bombard, engulf
Verb Categories:
Verbs that show emphasis
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to endeavor
Synonyms: aim, aspire, venture, undertake
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to waver
Synonyms: teeter, fluctuate, sways
Verb Categories:
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Verbs that reveal changes/shifts in analysis
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
deviates and vacillates
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to question
Synonyms: dispute, contest, oppose, confront
Verb Categories:
Verbs that challenge
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Verbs that reveal change/shifts in analysis
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
disputes, confronts, challenges, contests
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to challenge
Synonyms: question, oppose, examine
Verb Categories:
Verbs that challenge
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Verbs that reveal changes/shifts in analysis
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
disputes, confronts, challenges, contests
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to awaken
Synonyms: inspire, elicits, stimulate, suggest
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Verbs that evoke/extract/”draw out”
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
elicits and evokes
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to intensify
Synonyms: enhance, advance, refines, magnifies, amplifies, strengthens, reinforces
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Verbs that show emphasis
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
extends, accentuates, heightens
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to contrast
Synonyms: to oppose (when placed near one another)
Verb Categories:
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Verbs that reveal changes/shifts in analysis
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to suggest
Synonyms: advance, propose, assume, predicate
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Verbs that suggest
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
postulates, suggests, alludes
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to postulate
Synonyms: encourage, urge, argue, imply, evince (indicate/reveal)
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Verbs that suggest
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
postulates, suggests, alludes
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to advert
Synonyms: connect, refer, suggest
Verb Categories:
Verbs that suggest
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
postulates, suggests, alludes
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to ascribe
Synonyms: accredit
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Verbs that suggest
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to contest
Synonyms: challenge, confront, debates, discusses
Verb Categories:
Verbs that challenge
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Verbs that reveal change/shifts in analysis
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
disputes, confronts, challenges, contests
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph
Definition: to advance
Synonyms: refine, support, furthers, expand
Verb Categories:
Verbs that extend/enhance/show build-up and development
Verbs that link ideas (2 or more ideas)
Synonymous Verb Relationships:
extends, accentuates, heightens
Literary Analysis Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Completing the Sentences w/ Analytical Verbs
Analytical Verbs in a Cohesive Paragraph