Required practical: Food test

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What is the 1st step of the food test practical?

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What is the 1st step of the food test practical?

  1. Take the food sample and grind this with distilled water using a mortar and pestle. We want to make a paste.

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What’s the 2nd step of the food test practical?

Transfer the paste to a beaker and add more distilled water. Stir so that the chemicals in the food dissolve in the water.

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What is the 3rd step of the food test practical?

Filter the solution to remove suspended food particles.

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How to test for starch?

  • We place our food solution in a test tube

  • We add a few drops of iodine solution which is yellow

  • If starch is present it will turn blue/blck

  • If it isn’t it’ll stay orange

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How to test for sugars?

  • We place the food solution in a test tube

  • Add 10 drops of Benedict’s solution which is blue

  • Place this test tube in a beaker and half fill the beaker with boiling water from the kettle

  • Leave for 5 minutes

  • If sugar is present it’ll turn green(if there is little sugar) yellow(if there is more sugar) brick red ( if there are high amounts of sugar)

  • If sugar isn’t present then it’ll stay blue

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How to test for lipids?

  • We add the food solution to a test tube

  • Add a few drops of distilled water and ethanol

  • Gentle shake

  • If lipids are present white cloudy emulsion forms

  • If lipids aren’t present it’ll stay colourless

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How to test for protein?

  • We add 2cm cubes of food solution to our test tube

  • Add 2cm cubed biuret solution which is blue

  • If protein is present it’ll turn lilac/purple

  • If protein isn’t present it’ll stay colourless

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