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Reactive Attachment Disorder
Absent of underdeveloped attachment with caregiver, caused by limited opportunities during development
disinhibited social engagement disorder
overly familiar behavior with strangers- at least nine months old
posttraumatic stress disorder
development and persistence of symptoms for at least a month following a traumatic event- at least six years old
Acute stress disorder
development of symptoms from 3 days up to 1 month after traumatic event. need at least nine of the listed symptoms
adjustment disorder
presence of behavioral or emotional symptoms in response to a stressor, starting within three months of the event and lasting no longer than six
prolonged grief disorder
symptoms are intense and death has been at least 12 months ago for adults and 6 months ago for kids
dissociative identity disorder
presence of at least two personalities or an experience of possesion
Dissociative Amnesia
inability to recall information that should be successfully stored and easily recalled
persistent/recurrent episodes of detachment from oneself/environment
separation anxiety disorder
excessive fear or anxiety concerning separation from home or caregivers
selective mutism
consistent inability to speak in situations where it’s needed, lasting more than a month
Social Anxiety Disorder
intense fear or anxiety in or before social situations
panic disorder
recurrent, unexpected panic attacks with no obvious trigger
generalized anxiety disorder
excessive anxiety more days than not for more than six months
substance/medication induced anxiety disorder
symptoms of anxiety are a result of a substance
obsessive compulsive disorder
presence of obsessions, compulsions, or both
recurrent, persistent, sometimes intrusive thoughts or urgers
repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels driven or forced to do
body dysmorphic disorder
preoccupation with one or more perceived flaws that are nonexistent or slight to everyone else
hoarding disorder
difficulty discarding or parting with possessions regardless of value
somatic symptom disorder
at least one somatic symptoms that disrupts daily life and excessive thoughts about it
illness anxiety disorder
preoccupation with acquiring or having a serious illness
functional neurological symptom disorder
presence of neurological symptom that isn’t better explained by a medical condition
factitious disorder
faking a disorder and lying about symptoms