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What comprises mass communciation?
television, radio, film, newspapers, & magazines
What are the characteristics of mass communication?
Mass audiences, historically modern, for-profit businesses, involves technology, one-way communication
What is the communication technology of the oral communication culture?
What is the communication technology of the written communication culture?
What is the communication technology of the print communication culture?
Moveable type/printing press
What is the communication technology of the electronic communication culture?
What is the communication technology of the digital communication culture?
What culture is face-to-face knowledge passed generation to generation?
Poetry plays a central role in what culture?
Which culture is met with distrust?
What are the two kinds of written culture?
Ideogrammatic & Syllabic/phonetic
What was the first culture that communication became able to cross distance and time without people
What revolution led to print culture?
What was the Gutenberg Revolution?
The first one to come up with a moveable type
How did monks make bibles before the Gutenberg Revolution?
How did the Gutenberg Revolution help with accessibility of the bible?
Made it more affordable; before this, the bible was for the rich
reading became less of a luxury and more of a necessity
Electronic culture separates ____ from ___
Communication; transportation
Electronic communication altered the way human think about what?
Space and time
What new electronic altered language and why?
You had to pay for each word so it was condensed
How did electronic culture change the nature of information?
News became a commodity
How did electronic culture lead to an unprecedented speed of production and organizations?
Telegraph stations
How did electronic culture lead to a new brand of imperialism
Not waiting for letters to cross the ocean
Mass communication cultures
Written, Print, Electronic, & Digital
What is convergence?
The combining together of computing, telecommunications, and media in a digital environment
What are the types of convergence?
Technological, economic, & cultural
Technological convergence changes the use and perception of _______ technologies?
What is economic convergence?
Merging of internet or telecommunication companies with traditional media companies
What is consolidation?
Traditional media companies growing fewer and much larger through mergers and acquisitions
How many independent media companies own most media interests within the US?
What is cultural convergence?
The globalization of media content and consumption, creation, and distribution of content
Cultural convergence shifts ___ audience to ____ that produces and shares content cheaply
Passive; public
What is a centralized media organization?
Functions of media are controlled by a single individual or unit
What is a converged media organization?
Functions of media may be decentralized via the internet, inviting more diffuse methods of production, distribution, marketing, and advertising
What are hyperlinks?
Connects online content to other content and stories
What are digital natives?
Grew up with digital media
What are digital immigrants?
Grew up with analog media
What is digitized content?
computer-readable media transforming production cycle and process
What is 24/7 media environment?
The ability to always be "on" and "connected"
What is viral marketing?
Rapid information travel through internet "word-of-mouth"
What is peer-to-peer?
Individual file sharing
What is user-generated content (UGC)?
Digital media that enables audiences to develop content
What is traditional mass communication?
One-way communication from source; typically large, anonymous, heterogeneous audience
What is converged audience communication?
Interactive model, able to create and distribute own content if desired
What is citizen journalism?
Interactive relationship where audiences contribute to story content and/or correction
What is behavioral targeting?
Advertising technique drawn from information we share through our digital footprint
What are cookies?
Information archived on hard drives that allows for digital tracking of our web habits
What is mass communication?
Communication to a large group or groups of people largely unknown to the sender of the message
What is mass media?
Technological means of communicating between large numbers of people distributed widely over space or time
What is the traditional model of mass communciation?
Content creators represent and define reality
What is synchronous media?
Audiences assemble simultaneously for broadcast, transmission, or event
What is asynchronous media?
Audiences can attend on their own time, such as with printed materials or recorded audio or video
What is time shift?
Recording of an audio or video event for later
What is interpersonal communication?
Communication between 2+ individuals, often in a small group, although it can involve communication between a live speaker and an audience
What is traditional interpersonal communication?
Usually interactive and tends not to be anonymous, flows at least 2 ways, involves both verbal and nonverbal messages
What is mediated interpersonal communciation?
Takes place through an external medium, visual cues often absent, online medium blurs lines between interpersonal and mass communication
True or false: Digital media blurs lines between interpersonal and mass communication, each adopting characteristics of the other
What are the functions of mass communcation?
Surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission, entertainment
What is surveillance?
Provides information about process, issues, events, and other developments in sociey
What is correlation?
Media interpretation ascribing meaning to issues and events to help individuals understand their role with the larger society and culture
What is cultural transmission?
Process of passing of culturally relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values from person to person or group to group
What is entertainment?
Providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment
What is media literacy?
The process of critically analyzing media content by considering its particular presentation, its underlying political or social messages, and its media ownership or regulation
What makes mediated communication different?
Constructed messages in media are made to look natural
What are semiotics?
The study of signs and symbols; theoretical approach to media literacy
What is a sign comprised of?
a signifier (form) and signified (what form represents)
What is framing?
Particular presentation and communication of message influences our perception of it
True or false: Like signs, frames appear natural and often go unquestioned
What is the echo effect?
A phenomenon that occurs when people surround themselves with online voices that echo their own, reinforcing their views and beliefs that those opinion are Sin majority when they may noy be
What were Socrates and Plato worried about with media effect?
Influence of literacy on children
What media effect is contemporary researchers concerned with?
Influence of internet and video games
What is media grammar?
Medium's underlying rules, structures, and patterns that influence audience use and understanding
What are radio actualities?
edited clips from interviews with people
What are radio voice-overs?
Unseen announcer or narrator talking while other activities take place
What is recorded music?
Particular stylistic conventions including song length and music format
What is a film laugh track?
A device that generates pre-recorded laughter time to coincide with punchlines of jokes
What is a hyperlink?
Online text linked by HTML coding to another web page or website that adopts front traditional forms while creating new ways to interact with media
What are the implications of commercial media?
The average media consumer rarely considers commerical factor that shape media content, and economic factors and corporate decisions influence everything
What are commercial-media debate critics?
Greater influence means greater need to publicly fund media
What are commercial-media debate proponents?
Profit motive remains key incentive to produce quality content
What is a media oligopoly?
A marketplace that media ownership and diversity are severly limited and the actions of any single media group affects its competitors substantially
How do successful media enterprises become larger?
Purchasing/merging with other media enterprises
What is the effect of a greater concentration of ownership to a poorly served public?
Less diversity of media voices, minority and non-mainstream views may be silences
What is media bias?
A real or perceived viewpoint held by journalists and news organizations that slants news coverage unfairly, contrary to professional journalism's stated goals of balanced coverage and objectivity
What are the functions of print media?
Transmission of culture, diffusion of ideas and knowledge, and entertainment
What is the function of books?
Compilation of comprehensive knowledge in single document considered a vital, even sacred, endeavor
What highlights the enduring cultural relevance and authority of books even in the digital age?
Burning books, protests, and censorship
What were books originally made of?
Animal skins/parchment, papyrus, and paper
What are the types of books?
Tablets, scrolls, codex, and books
What is a codex?
a book of individually bound pages
What are monastic scribes?
Specially trained monks, or scribes, copied religious and classical works, used calligraphy and rich illustrations
Who was Johannes Gutenberg?
German printer credited with creating the first mechanical printing press in 1455 with the publication of the Gutenberg Bible
What are the effects of print media?
Mass communication, mass literacy, and cheaper/ smaller books
What kind of books made books cheaper and smaller?
Dime novels, mass-market paperbacks, print-on-demand, ebooks
What is the contemporary issues of books?
Patterns of books sales are unsteady
How do book markets vary?
By category
What type of book has the largest portion of sales?
What is the most important function of newspapers?
Surveillance, informing the public of important events
What are the two types of newspapers?
Local and national
What are commercial newspapers?
The first newspapers were published by merchants handout shipping news
What are partisan press newspapers?
Newspapers sponsored by political parties