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Noradrenaline (NA) = Locus coeruleus (LC)
Dopamine (DA) = Substantia niga pars compacta (SNC), VTA, dorsol raphe
Serotonin (5HT) = dorsal and median raphe
Acetlycholine (Ach) = nucleus basalis of Meynert (nbM) in basal forebrain
Maturation means that they have their myelin sheets in place and function.
primary and sensory motor cortices mature earliest (1-2 yo)
Parietal-temporal association cortices mature 2nd
PFC matures last (15yo +)
There is a structural gradient from the primary to the association cortices in the maturation of the brain. The primary sensory areas mature and are fully functioning first, the association cortices mature last.
theory of mind
spoken language
social cooperation
tool use
planning and prospection
social and moral rules
analogical reasoning
imagination or simulation
semantic associations