Pythagoras - he believed the universe is reducible to numbers and math. Plato said we need a universal language
Heraclitus - universe reducible to logos (never changes and controls change) and chaos (change). Plato said the right way to be a philosopher is to be a dualist
Socrates - he cares about humans more than anything. Plato says everything is about ethics
Parmenides - he believed what is ultimately true about the universe is that it's eternal and unchanging. Plato says that's how to describe knowledge (eternal and unchanging and single)
Being with education through play- Social
Arithmetic, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy, and harmonics (10 years of study, REPUBLIC, 7, 536D & 537B). - Science
Dialectic, after they demonstrate a certain level of maturity
Practice argument and dialectic lead a life of service
Inquire about the nature of the universals- the good
The world of forms
The world of matter
Understanding - Knowledge (you must understand the forms)
Thought - Abstraction (thinking)
Belief - Object (can be examined)
Imagination - Images (giving attention to things not there ; copies of things)
A substance is the thing that is properly referred to by a noun
Substance is what underlies all of the properties and changes in something. For example, you look different than you did when you were five, but you are still the same person
Substance is what is essential
Material Cause - this is the matter that makes up the substance
Efficient Cause - this is the motion or action that begins the substance
Final Cause - this is the function or purpose of the substance
Formal Cause - this is the form of the substance ~ the blueprint if you will
Nutritive - that which makes basic life possible (plant or animal)
Appetitive - that which gives substance its passions, will, desires, etc
Sensitive - the ability to receive and respond to sense data
Locomotive - that which enables a substance to move by its own volition
Rational - the unique (?) quality in humanity to