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Population distribution
The way people are spread across a given area
Population density
The number of people living per unit area
Crude birth rate
The number of live births per 1,000 people per year
Crude death rate
The number of deaths per 1,000 people per year
Natural increase rate
The difference between birth rate and death rate, expressed as a percentage
Fertility rate
The average number of children a woman is expected to have during her lifetime
Replacement level fertility
The number of children needed per woman to maintain population stability
Doubling time
The time it takes for a population to double in size, assuming a constant growth rate
Demographic transition model
A model that describes population change over time through five stages
Pro-natalist policy
A government policy that encourages population growth
Anti-natalist policy
A government policy that discourages population growth
Ageing population
A population with a high proportion of elderly people due to low birth rates and increased life expectancy
Youthful population
A population with a high proportion of young people due to high birth rates
The movement of people from one place to another
Push factors
Negative conditions that drive people to leave an area
Pull factors
Positive conditions that attract people to a new area
Voluntary migration
When people move by choice, often for economic or social reasons
Forced migration
When people are forced to leave their homes due to conflict or natural disasters
A person forced to leave their country due to conflict or persecution
Internally displaced person
Someone forced to move within their own country
Money sent back home by migrants working abroad
Malthusian theory
The idea that population grows at a faster rate than its food supply which will cause widespread sufferings
Boserup Theory
The idea that human innovation will allow food production to keep up with population growth
Carrying capacity
The maximum population size an environment can support without significant negative impacts
Demographic dividend
The economic advantage a country experiences when it has a high proportion of working age people
When a population exceeds the carrying capacity of its environment
When a population is too small to fully utilize its resources
Dependency ratio
The ratio of dependents (children and elderly) to the working age population