hopefully i am getting smarter...
Agape (noun)
A selfless, unconditional love often associated with spiritual or divine affection.
Agape (adjective, adverb)
Staring with one's mouth open, as in surprise or wonder.
Bowdlerize (verb)
To remove offensive or indelicate passages from a book or play.
Curmudgeon (noun)
A bad-tempered, complaining person.
Ebullient (adjective)
Overflowing with excitement and enthusiasm; cheerful and full of energy
Explicate (verb)
To explain or interpret in detail.
Ignominious (adjective)
Deserving or causing shame or disgrace.
Languid (adjective)
(of a person, manner, or gesture) slow and relaxed. to be in a state of languor.
Nascent (adjective)
Just coming into existence; emerging.
Penchant (noun)
A strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something.
Sanguine (adjective)
Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
Umbrage (noun)
A feeling of annoyance or resentment (at some perceived insult or injury).