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Tariff of Abominations
Tariff of 1828
causes protest in SC, who believe it discriminates against the South (kindled by threat of abolition)
Nullification Crisis
SC stands alone in their fight to nullify tariffs put in place by the fed. gvt., despite sympathy from other Southern states
people who support nullification of tariffs, often secessionists
Tariff of 1832
protectionist tariff that aimed to reduce the effects of 1828 tariff, but still leaves South unsatisfied
Tariff of 1833
similar to the tariff of 1832: aimed to solve the nullification crisis in the South and keep the union together.
written by Henry Clay
"Bloody Bill"
aka the Force Act
written by Andrew Jackson
gives fed gvt the right to use force to collect tariffs
Northwest Ordinance
- adds the NW region of the US (Great Lakes region)
- land is divided evenly into townships
- public education provided
- new state added once population reaches 60,000
Missouri Compromise
every new state excluding Missouri above the 36-30 latitude line will become a free state
Mexican-American War
war between Mexico and US over western land to fulfill Manifest Destiny
- 13,000 US deaths
- massive land gain
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
ends M-A War, Mexico loses ~1/2 its territory
Wilmot Proviso
proposition that says that slavery should not extend to M-A War land
- passes House of Representatives, not Senate
popular sovereignty
states should be able to choose whether or not to have slavery independently
Free Soilers
new party created by abolitionists who dislike both the Whig (Zachary Taylor) and Democratic (Lewis Cass) candidates for president
land long settled by natives, then by Spanish
- lots of missions
- created own constitution that outlaws slavery
Underground Railroad
system to help slaves escape masters
- aided by Harriet Tubman
- prompts stricter escape laws
Southern sectionalist secessionists
"immortal trio"
Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster
Henry Clay
creates many compromises before his death that hold Union together, favors no extension of slavery for N and stricter fugitive laws for S
John C. Calhoun
noted slavery supporter, wrote the SC Exposition ("nullie")
Daniel Webster
after Clay's death, continues to push propositions, helps hold Union together
Compromise of 1850
- written by Henry Clay
- N must have stricter fugitive laws
- California, Utah, and New Mexico able to decide to have slavery or not
(N has upper hand)
Ostend Manifesto
US wants Cuba from Spain and they jUST mIGHT kILL yA oVer iT
Stephen Douglas
ran against Lincoln for senator (won) and president (lost)
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kansas territory should split into 2 states, Kansas and Nebraska. Can decide whether to become free or slave.
- breaks MO Compromise
New England Emigrant Aid Company
company founded in Massachusetts to transport immigrants to Kansas territory
- intended to make Kansas a free state by shifting population balance
John Brown
radical abolitionist
- believes in vigilante justice
- attempts to loot armory at Harper's Ferry
- attempted to organize a slave rebellion
Lecompton Constitution
people of Kansas have the opportunity to vote for slavery constitution or abolition constitution
Bleeding Kansas
series of violent conflicts between abolitionists and pro-slaveryites in Kansas pre-Civil war
Brooks vs. Sumner
Brooks (anti-abolitionist) beats Sumner (abolitionist) with a cane in Congress after personal attacks
Dred Scott
ruling that prevented blacks from obtaining citizenship, thus the ability to defend themselves in court
Lincoln Douglas Debates
"Great Debates of 1858"
- debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas for Illinois senatorship
Harper's Ferry
town in what is now West Virginia
- John Brown attempted to raid armory there to arm slave rebellion
- fails
Election of 1860
- Abraham Lincoln (Republican)
- John C. Breckinridge (Democrat)
- John Bell (Constitutional Union Party)
Lincoln wins, increases sectionalism
Crittenden Compromise
unsuccessful proposal by John J. Crittenden (constitutional unionist)
- reinstate Missouri Compromise
state will remove self from union
- S wantes peace, ability for independent trade
- came from global nationalist mvmt
- parallels Revolutionary War