unicellular organisms
specialized organelles
all needs in one cell
cytoplasmic level of organization
multicellular organisms
tissue formation
single unit that is part of a whole
mesozoans and parazoans
multicellular but have no true tissues
combine both metazoan and protozoan traits
cytoplasmic level of organization
needs are in one cell
no tissues
specialized organelles
found in protozoa
cellular level of organization
colonial and unspecialized cells
multicellular; able to divide labor amongst themselves
NO tissues
cell-tissue level of organization
formation of tissues
cells come together for one function
makes up the extracellular matrix
tissue-organ level of organization
formation of organs
tissues come together to achieve common function
breakdown of supportive tissue and functional tissue
supportive tissue
found at the tissue-organ level of organization
functional tissue
found at the tissue-organ level of organization
organ-system level of organization
organs work together to power a whole system’s functions
associated with basic bodily functions (movement, digestion, etc.)
epithelial tissue
protective, covers a surface with a sheet of cells
muscular tissue
most common tissue in metazoans
used for voluntary and involuntary movement
nervous tissue
reception and conduction of stimuli via neurons
connective tissue
supportive, binds other tissues together
simple squamous tissue
flat sheet of cells
useful for diffusion of gases
simple cuboidal tissue
tubular/duct like shape
useful for secretion and absorption
simple columnar tissue
tall columns of cells
useful for absorption
stratified tissue
many sheets stacked/layered on top of each other
useful for tanking damage/protection
cells @ base of tissue push upward
pseudostratified tissue
seems like tissues are stacked/layered but are not
useful for secretion, absorption, and molecular transport
transitional tissue
looks like many layers of stratified tissue but is only 3 very stretchy sheets
useful for absorption (holding in urine)
organ systems
there aren’t many of them, but even the minimal tissue types and organ systems are enough to drive a variety of bodily functions and a very complex organ system
intracellular space
within cell, one of two body fluids in eumetazoans
extracellular space
outside of cell, one of two body fluids in eumetazoans
interstitial fluid
one of two fluids in the extracellular space, directly surrounds the cell
blood plasma
one of two fluids in extracellular space, takes up most space in the extracellular space
structural elements in an organism
provide mechanical stability & protection
bones, cartilage, cuticles
body plans
can be limited by habitat, location, and ancestral history
animals in the same group can look very _________, and animals in different groups can look very __________.
different, similar
the arrangement of body parts relative to body axis
can be split into identical parts along at least one plane
no body axis and no plane of symmetry
some porifera and unicellular eukaryotes
spherical symmetry
no body axis (because it’s a sphere)
no polarity (all sides of a sphere are the same)
body parts seem to radiate from the centre/core of the organism
an infinite amount of planes of symmetry
only found in unicellular eukaryotes and asymmetrical animals
radial symmetry
one longitudinal body axis by which body is arranged around
cylindrically shaped
planes pass through the longitudinal axis
common in sessile species (porifera)
no front/backside, only an oral surface and aboral surface
can confront its environment in all directions
having radial symmetry through more than one plane
biradial (2 planes) quadradial (4 planes) pentaradial (5 planes)
bilateral symmetry
posterior to anterior orientation
midsaggital plane splits into two equal halves
cephalization present at anterior
anterior interacts w/ environment
dorsal (protective) and ventral (locomotive) surfaces
most common symmetry found
the concentration of the nervous system into one area, usually the head
body cavity filled with fluid, found between outer body wall and gut
enables growth of organs, increases volume faster than surface area
cushions organs to prevent injuries
hydrostatic skeleton, great support for soft bodied organisms
outermost layer of body cavity
found in all metazoans
blastula (fluid found inside)
gastrula within
found in cnidarians
innermost layer
no coelom
no body cavity
mesoderm filled ectoderm
found in flatworms
no coelom
fluid filled blastocoel (coelom of blastula) made of mesoderm lining the blastula/ectoderm
true coelom
mesoderm forms cavity
can be schizocoelous or euterocoelous
consists of all other phylums post flatworms
formation of cavity via the splitting of mesoderm
formation of pinched pouches from the gut/digestive tract
unicellular eukaryotes
highly organized structures, specialized organelles
very complex
unicellular eukaryotes have primary economic importance because…
they are primary producers, the primary consumption, and decomposition
they impact animal health (some forms parasitic, gives diseases)
ciliary motion
type of locomotion in unicellular eukaryotes
hairlike growths along body wall
cilium propels water along the __________ allowing for directed movement
surface of attachment
water current created by ciliary motion is directed towards _______
cytostome (mouth)
ciliary movement can prevent…
a stagnant layer of water surrounding the body
metachronal beating
the coordinated beating of cilia during ciliary movement
imagine a crowd wave at a concert
ciliary power stroke
propels water, moves organism
ciliary recovery stroke
bend cilia to reduce resistance from flowing water and get back into position for power stroke
cilia can beat at an angle, making it move in a _______
forward spiral
cilia can beat in reverse as an ________
avoidance reaction
flagellar motion
moves water parallel to the axis of attachment in an undulating motion
can propel or pull the organism
pulls the organism
flagellum moves water and food towards the body
undulation moves towards organism
moves organism like a tadpole
flagellum moves water away from body
undulation moves away from organism
amoeboid motion
movement via cytoplasmic streaming and lobopodia
cytoplasmic streaming
ectoplasm moves forward
as it moves forward, actin binding proteins change the composition of the ectoplasm into endoplasm
this creates an endoplasmic stream that moves the lobopodia forward
the stream fountains out at the semi solid hyaline cap at the end of the lobopodia
stream of endoplasm is formed into ectoplasm once more by polymerization via the crosslinking actin binding proteins
this creates a contraction of the lobopodia
self synthesized food
does not eat other organisms
obtains nutrients from digesting other organisms
uses phagocytosis
ingests by engulfing organisms with pseudopodia
amoeboid phagocytosis
pseudopodia surrounds food particles
food particles are engulfed completely by the pseudopodia
now within the cytoplasm, a food vacuole is formed around the food particles
the food vacuole moves closer to the golgi body, where lysosomes approach the food vacuole and begin digestion
once digestion is finished, the food vacuole brings any undigested elements back towards the outer body wall
the food vacuole fuses with the body wall and the food particles are released
soluble food is absorbed via pinocytosis
the acquisition of material by a living cell via membrane invagination to form a vacuole
phenotypic plasticity
refer to the ability of genotypes to produce different phenotypes when exposed to different environmental conditions
euglena viridis exhibits phenotypic plasiticty when…
it is kept in the dark. euglena viridis is photoautotrophic and needs light exposure to produce its food. when kept in the dark, it becomes an osmotroph and gains its food via pinocytosis
t. vorax exhibits phenotypic plasticity when…
it is in the presence of t. thermophila. when in the presence of this organism, the t. vorax becomes larger in size and goes from non-selective feeding to highly selective feeding of the t. thermophila
a mode of excretion
endocytosis in reverse
digestive vacuole carries undigested material towards body wall and fuses with the cell surface to release the materials
passive diffusion
a mode of excretion
metabolic waste simply pass through the membrane
a butthole like pore
vacuole right next to it that fills up with waste material and is discharged through the cytoproct periodically
contractile vacuoles
regulates salt and water balance (osmoregulation)
contractile vacuoles are important to freshwater species because…
freshwater species aren’t able to use diffusion; if they did, the water uptake and ion loss could result in cell death
what goes inside contractile vacuoles?
protons (H+) from the proton pump
bicarbonate (HCO3-) from co-transport
H2O from passive water diffusion
H2CO3 formed by carbonic anhydrase combining bicarbonate and protons
filling and discharing a contractive vacuole depends on…
the ionic/osmotic gradient and how big the organism is
sessile and non moving filter feeders
exhibit cellular level of organization
cells are attached to the extracellular matrix (basal lamina) and to cell-to-cell junctions (adherens junctions/desmosomes)
skeletal structure of porifera
for architectural support
calcarea - porifera
calcium carbonate spicules
structural protein: collagen
habitat: marine/inshore
hexactinellida - porifera
6-rayed silica spicules
structural protein: collagen
habitat: marine/deep sea
demospongiae - porifera
spicules made of silica but aren’t 6-rayed
structural protein: spongin
habitat: freshwater/marine
homoscleromorpha - porifera
no spicules, but if they do have spicules, 4-rayed, uniform, small
structural protein: type IV collagen
habitat: marine/inshore
what level of organization do porifera exhibit
cellular, they have no tissues
totipotency/totipotent cells
the ability of cells to divide and reproduce any differentiable cell in the organism
totipotent amoeboid cell that receives food particles from the choanocyte and digests them
other types of totipotent cells
sclerocytes - make spicules
spongocytes - make spongin
collenocytes - make collagen
lophocytes - make collagen
ovoid shaped and flagellated with a collar (exposed end) and region embedded in sponge wall
line the cavities and canal systems of porifera
they are totipotent
what do choanocytes do
generate water current (with beating flagellum)
captures food (with collar microvilli and microfibrils)
captures sperm (with collar microvilli and microfibrils)
phagocytosis occurs at the base of the structure
type of canal system architecture w/ flagellated spongocoel only
simplest canal system
small vase tube shape
calcarea only
type of canal system architecture w/ flagellated canals only
large vase tube shape
calcarea only
type of canal system architecture w/ flagellated chambers only
complex arrangement, canals lead to chambers
large masses formed, resulting in no spongocoel
found in all other porifera besides calcarea
asconoid canal system structure
includes pinacocytes that create the pinacoderm as a covering/skin of the sponge
mesophyl, inner tissue that the pinacocytes and choanocytes are bound to, “nonliving” layer of sponge for structure
spongocoel, hollow chamber in the sponge that leads to the osculum
osculum, excurrent canal that discharges the flow of water through the ostium
ostium, incurrent canal that lets water through the sponge
choanocytes that altogether create the choanoderm (lining of choanocytes)
syconoid canal system structure
prosopyles, traps food particles
dermal ostium, incurrent canals that lead to radial canals
radial canals lined with choanocytes, leading to internal ostium
internal ostium leading to spongocoel
spongocoel absent of choanocytes, leads to osculum
osculum excurrent canal that discharges water flow from incurrent canals
leuconoid canal system structure
dermal ostium leads to incurrent canal
incurrent canal leads to flagellated chamber
flagellated chamber leads to excurrent canal
excurrent canal leads to osculum
hydrozoa - cnidaria
can be solitary or colonial
have polyp and medusa form
scyphozoa - cnidaria
absent or reduced polyp form
present medusa form
cubozoa - cnidaria
absent or reduced polyp form
present medusa form
anthozoa - cnidaria
can be solitary or colonial
present polyp form
absent medusa form
staurazoa - cnidaria
present polyp form
absent medusa form