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A traditional tale has
No genuine author
What does the Greek word mythos mean?
A legend is usually set in what time frame?
In historical time
What was unusual about the wedding night of Aphitryon's wife?
It was much longer than usual
How does Peleus win over the immortal Thetis to be his wife?
He grabs her and doesn't let go
What influenced the outcome of the Judgment of Paris?
The promise of a beautiful wife and good sex
What is Zeus' weapon of choice?
What was Paris raised as before he became prince?
Who won the Judgment of Paris?
Where was Agamemnon's army stranded by contrary winds?
What does Hermes do for souls of the dead?
He leads them to the underworld
What bird was a symbol of Hera?
What was unusual about the birth of Helen?
She hatched from an egg
What does the All-receiver give to Persephone to eat?
Pomegranate seed
Where was Apollo born?
The gates of the underworld were guarded by?
Who is Heracle's last wife?
What happened to Demeter's daughter?
She was stolen by Hades
How was Hermes often depicted in Greek art?
Wearing a broad-brimmed hat and winged sandals
Hephaestus had a special way of getting around. What was it?
A winged chair
How did Hermes disguise his footsteps while stealing?
Made sandals to look like centaur hooves
Who did Zeus carry off to be his "cupbearer"?
According to lecture, who was Posdidon's wife?
Who were Helen's parents?
Zeus and Leda
How did Agamemnon trick his wife and daughter?
He told them the daughter would marry Achilles
What does Demeter disguise herself as to meet a lord of the city and his daughters?
An old woman
How was Aphrodite born?
She arose from the foam of the sea
In the Works and Days what does Hesiod say the first woman's name means?
What are the alternate versions of the myth about Agamemnon's favorite daughter?
In one she dies, in the other she's rescued
What is a theophany?
Revelation of divinity among human beings
To whom is Hesiod writing the Works and Days? (Hesiod continuously refers to him by name)
Why did Hera pick a certain god to guard Io?
The god had many eyes
What happened to the follower of Artemis who got herself a boyfriend?
She was turned into a bear
Who was the wife of Hephaestus?
Which of these transformations happened to one of Apollo's lovers?
She turned into a tree
What is cher epi karpo symbolic of?
A man's dominance over his wife
How much of the year will Demeter's daughter spend in the underworld with Hades?
What transformation took place in the myth of Io?
Io was changed into a cow
How were most of the gods created, according to the Theogony?
They were born from other gods
What is the main theme of the Iliad as illustrated in Book 1, and also the first word of the epic poem?
What did Agamemnon do that made Achilles so angry?
Steal his war prize
Who were the parents of the gods born in Palike?
Zeus and Thaleia
What was Max Muller's explanation for the myth of the death of Heracles?
Came from explanation of sunset
According to lecture, what was the "real" source of the name "Allan Water"?
Alauna = "flowing"
What did people commonly say was the source of the name "Mt. Pilatus"?
Pontius Pilate died there
Whose theory of myth is based on the idea that language is often misunderstood?
In the Homeric Hymn to Apollo, what does the god say to the slain dragon that explains the name of the sanctuary?
Rot, "Pytho"
Which was an important Greek festival of Demeter and Persephone?
What was strange about the Pythia?
The Pythia gave the oracle while sitting on a tripod
What is the Greek word for a composition such as a Homeric Hymn?
Prooimion = "warm-up"
Which hero was initiated into the Mysteries so he could go to the Underworld and return alive?
What is Asclepius famous for?
Being a master healer
What was often depicted on vases meant to be used by Greek brides preparing for their wedding?
Pursuit and abduction
What did the ancient Greeks believe was the best method of receiving a prophecy?
In a famous passage, a character from Greek mythology implied that something was 3 times more dangerous than fighting in a battle. What was this dangerous something?
What things were involved on the ritual which took place on the day called "Kalligeneia"?
Pigs and pits; snakes and cakes
What is the 'festival within the festival' of the Eleusinian Mysteries?
What was the Telesterion?
The temple of the Eleusinian Mysteries
When initiates of the Mysteries march to Eleusis, what do they carry?
Myrtle branches
What word means "all Greeks?"
Why, perhaps, was obscenity used in Greek religious rituals?
To scare away evil spirits
If you wanted to receive an oracle at Delphi, who would you have to be accompanied by?
An ambassador from your city
What is the difference between a folk tale and a myth?
A myth is often given sacred significance; a folk tale is told for entertainment
A myth is usually set in what time frame?
In an "other time" before or shortly after the beginning of the world
What caused the Judgment of Paris?
An apple
Who was the mother of Heracles?
The name of the goddess not invited to Thetis' marriage can be translated:
What happened to Apollo's opponent in a music contest.
Apollo skinned him alive
Where did Zeus and Europa first make love?
Why did Heracles have to perform the 12 labors?
He killed his wife and children
When Agamemnon was on his way to Troy, how did he offend a god?
He killed a deer in a sacred precinct
What does most of the Works and Days concern?
Farming Advice
According to lecture, what was an alternative version of the myth of Helen?
Helen was replaced by a phantom and spent the war in Egypt
How old was Hermes when he stole Apollo's cattle?
1 day old
In the beginning of the Theogony, who does the poet thank for giving him the ability to compose and giving sweet gifts to men?
The muses
According to lecture, what event led to the birth of Athena?
Zeus swallowed Metis
How did Menelaus become king of a powerful city?
He married Helen
What did Promethus do that angered Zeus so much?
Gave fire to the mortals
What god did Agamemnon offend before sailing to Troy?
A famous act of adultery was a source of amusement for the gods. Who were the adulterers?
Ares and Aphrodite
Who rescued Io from her captivity?
What causes the truce of Book 4 to be broken?
Athena convinces an archer to shoot Menelaus
What did people think the original name of the Allan Water was?
Helen Water
What does Heracles' name mean?
Glory of Hera
The myth of Harpocrates as god of silence was the result of people misunderstanding statues of what other god?
what was the Hiera Hodos used for?
The great procession to Eleusis
Whose theory focuses on the importance of Charter Myths?
On the second day of the Eleusinian Mysteries, what was carried in special baskets to the sanctuary and then revealed on the last day?
The holy things
Who could participate in the Eleusinian Mysteries?
What was surprising about the Pythia?
She was a woman
What three events happened the morning after arrival at Eleusis?
What is a difference between magic and religion?
Magic coerces higher powers such as the gods; religion persuades these powers
What did the Greek phrase "Hue Kue" mean?
Rain; get pregnant
Whose theory connected the origin of myth with magic and ritual?
An important festival of Demeter and Persephone included a day called "Anodos." What happened then?
Women withdrew to camp apart from men
Whose marriage was broken as the result of the Judgment of Paris?
Why did the goddess Thetis marry a human?
Her son was destined to be stronger than his father
Who was the real father of Heracles?
What was Aphrodite the goddess of?
Sex and lust
What is the name of Agamemnon's favorite daughter?