Rebellions were the greatest challenge facing Henry’s rule 1485 - 1509. Assess the validity of this view.
R - wen’t the most serious as H actions
Rebellions - serious but H dealt with it
Lovell & Stafford (1486) In Yrk & Midlnd (RIII supp) BUT pardon to drain support. L&S imprisoned
Y & C Unhappy with taxation - ch as H struggles to raise funds for war
Yorkshire (1489) Earl of N killed (supp at BoB)
Cornish (1497) Most serious threat, went to blackheath,
BUT H actions minimised the ch:
C - leaders executed, fines for all involved
Y - made Surrey L in N.
Pretenders - H usurper =need to secure dynasty. They gave a figurehead for rebellions
Simnel (1847) Warwick, serious battle of Stoke.
Warbeck (1490s) challenging due to f.p - Margaret & trade ban, gave power to the Scottish to launch a rade (this led to the Cornish rebelion)
W gains support from Stanley, trade embargo
Ed (Warwick) next strongest claim to the throne. imprisoned in T of L this gave the opp to Simnel to pretend to be him executed 1499. Not much of a threat as he was 10 but was a puppet for powerful people
John de la pole, supported Warwick. Named heir by RIII. invited into royal council but flees
Richard &Edmund last surviving heirs
(Suffolk) handed over in treaty of Windsor (1506)
Foriegn relations (see doc for details)
Spain - Catherine of Aragon
Burgundy - trade ban
‘In the years 1485 – 1499 Henry successfully secured his position on the English throne. ‘ Assess the validity of this view.
YES - Dealing with Claimants/Pretenders
YES & NO- Dealing with Nobility
YES & NO- f.p
Spain - Sec through marrige alliance with Cath but Arthur died. Isabella’s death caused conflict between her husband and daughter over who would rule Castile . This led to tense Eng/Sp relations - Fer made an alliance with Fr
Burgundy- trade ban due to Marg supporting Warbeck, but Magnus Intercursus
Henry’s success in establishing the dynasty was almost entirely due to the fact that he was a ruthless and brutal tyrant. Assess the validity of this view.
YES - dealing with reb
Executed Warwick 1499
Executed leaders of C rebellion
AoA & B&R
Rewarded loyal supporters - Earl of Oxford, Jasper Tudor
Incentives - Order of the Garter,
Invited JohnDLP to be on the council
Surrey allowed to be L in the N
‘Henry VII successfully achieved his aims in foreign policy 1485 – 1509.’ Assess the validity of this view.
Aims: Security & Wealth
Trade ban on Burgundy
Trade ban on Burgundy
Magnus Intercursus
Malus Intercursus
Increase cloth trade by 60%