The ability of a product to change in size, commonly used to increase range of percentiles that a product is appropriate for
The level of vigilance, readiness, or caution of an individual
The aspect of ergonomics that deals with body measurements, particularly those of size, strength, and physical capacity
The research and analysis of the mechanics of living organisms.
The physical space between two objects
Cognitive Ergonomics
How mental processes affect the interactions between users and other components of a system
A person’s sense of physical or psychological ease
Dynamic Data
Human body measurements taken when the subject is in motion related to range and reach of various body movements
Environmental Factors
A set of psychological factors that can affect the performance of an individual that comes from the environment that the individual is situated
The application of scientific information concerning the relationship between human beings and the design of products, systems, and environments
A person’s sense of physical or psychological tiredness
Functional Data
Dynamic data measurements while performing a required task
Human Error
Mistakes made by users, some of which can result in catastrophic consequences for people, property, and the environment, as they are considered key contributors to major accidents
Human Factors
A scientific discipline concerned with understanding how humans interact with elements of a system. Can also be the practice of designing product, systems, or processes to take account of the interaction between them and their users
Human Information Processing System
An automatic system that a person uses to interpret information and react. Comprised of inputs, processes, and outputs
Interval Data
Based on numeric scales in which we know the order and the exact difference between the values
Nominal Data Scale
Classification of objects into discrete groups, each of which is identified with a name
Ordinal Data
Data type that exists on an arbitrary numerical scale where the exact numerical value has no significance other than to rank a set of data points
Percentile Range
That proportion of a population with a dimension at or less than a given value
The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted
Physiological Factor Data
Human factor data related to physical characteristics used to optimize the user’s safety, health, comfort, and performance
Primary Data
Data collected by a user for a specific purpose
Psychological Factor Data
Human factor data relating to psychological interpretations caused by light, smell, sound, taste, temperature, and texture
Qualitative Data
Typically descriptive data used to find out in depth the way people think or feel
Quantitative Data
Data that can be measured and recorded using numbers
Range of Sizes
A selection of sizes a product is made in that caters for the majority of a market
Ratio Data Scale
Allows for the comparison of differences between numbers, e.g. 1-10 scale
A range that a person can stretch to touch or grasp an object from a specified position
Secondary Data
Data collected by someone other than the user
Static Data
Human body measurements when the subject is still
Structural Data
Refers to measurements taken while the subject is in a fixed or standard position
Workplace Environmental Factors
Factors that can be considered to maximize performance of a user in a role and reduce the risk of accidents, (management, physical environment, equipment design, nature of the job, social/psychological environment, and the worker.