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what do all particles have
what is the difference between leptons and hadrons
leptons are fundamental particles
what do leptons not experience
strong nuclear force
what can hadrons be broken down into
what are baryons formed from
3 quarks
what are antibaryons formed from
3 antiquarks
what are mesons formed from
a quark and antiquark
what are examples for leptons
electron, muon, electron neutrino and their antiparticles
what are examples of baryons
proton and neutrons
what are examples of mesons
pion and kaon
what does the baryon number show
it is a baryon (if 1), antibaryon (if -1) or not a baryon (if 0)
when is the baryon number conserved
in particle interactions
what is the only stable baryon
what does the lepton number show
it is a lepton (if 1), antilepton (if -1) or not a lepton (if 0
when is the lepton number conserved
in particle interactions
what is a muon known as
a heavy electron
what do muons decay into
what are strange particles
produced by the strong nuclear interaction but decay by the weak interaction
what is a property of particles
what are strange particles always created in
what particle physics rely on
collaborative efforts of large teams of scientists and engineers to validate new knowledge.