Arteries & Arterioles
Carry blood away from heart
Smaller branches of arteries
Inner Endothelium
Provides a smooth surface (less friction)
Contains elastic fibres
Part of both veins & arteries
Thick Smooth Muscle Walls (arteries)
Thin smooth muscle walls (veins)
Resist & control blood pressure
Collagen Layer
Connective tissue
Contains elastic fibres
Part of both veins & arteries
Veins & Venules
Carries blood towards the heart
smaller branches that join to form a Vein
drain blood from capillaries
Can close to prevent backflow
As part of veins/venules
Vessels that are one cell layer thick, branching out from arterioles
Gases (O2 & CO2) and small molecules (Glucose, Amino Acids) are able to be exchanged across cell membranes
Sphincters & Smooth Muscles encircle the entrance
Capillary Beds
Network of capillaries (at organs & muscles)
The sphincters control blood flows to specific areas
e.g. more blood to muscles during exercise
e.g. more blood to stomach during digestion
Carotid Arteries & Jugular Veins
Blood to/from Head
Superior & Inferior Vena Cava
Blood from Body to Heart
Renal Artery & Vein
Blood to/from Kidney
Femoral/Iliac Artery & Femoral/Iliac Vein
Blood to/from Pelvis/Thighs
Subclavian Artery & Vein
Blood to/from Arms
Blood from Heart to Body
Mesenteric Artery & Vein
Blood to/from Abdomen
Hepatic Vein
Processed blood from Liver to Heart
Hepatic Portal Vein
Blood from Intestines to Liver for processing
Superior Mesenteric Vein
Blood from Small Intestine to Hepatic Portal Vein
Inferior Mesenteric Vein
Blood from Colon to Hepatic Portal Vein
Arterial Duct (ductus arteriosus) - Fetal Circulation
Connects pulmonary artery/aorta
Blood that would have been pumped to Lungs is directed to Aorta instead
Oval Opening (foramen ovale) - Fetal Circulation
Opening between right & left atrium of the heart, covered by flap (valve)
Some blood bypasses the pulmonary circuit by directly moving between atria
Normally, this closes after birth, if not, open heart surgery is required
Placenta - Fetal Circulation
Vascularized membrane shared by mother & fetus
Site of gas, nutrient & waste exchange (alcohol? drugs?)
Umbilical Arteries/Veins - Fetal Circulation
Take deoxygenated blood to Placenta, receive oxygenated blood from it
Venous Duct (ductus venosus) - Fetal Circulation
Attaches at fetus’s liver, bypass most of liver
Connect Umbilical Vein to Vena Cava to bring blood back to fetus’s heart