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Immaculate Conception
Mary is conceived in her mother’s womb without original sin
happened because of Christ’s holiness
remained free from sin lifelong
Mary’s invitation from God through angel Gabriel
makes Mary the model of faith
how Mary fulfilled her earthly purpose and was assumed to Heaven
Mary and Jesus
virgin mother of Jesus
Jesus saves us all; Mary = mother to us all
Holy Spirit conceives Jesus = virginial birth
her virginity proves that God is Jesus’s father
Jesus = New Adam
Mary = perfect realization of the Church
way of reading Scripture that recognizes how things foretell Jesus and God’s plan for Salvation
Eve’s Typology
“first lady” of creation
mother of all living
lost friendship with God because of no trust
tempted Adam to sin
mother of all who inherit death and sin
disobeyed God because of the fallen angel
“seed” prophesied to crush head of serpent
Mary’s Typology
“first lady” of new creation under Christ
mother of all living (Jesus gives her at his death to John to be our mother)
won God’s friendship (“handmaid of the Lord”)
convinces Jesus to follow God
mother of all born into eternal life and mother of those who inherit life
obeyed God’s angel
her “seed” Christ will crush the serpent’s head
God’s power that created the cosmos (Mary became pregnant with Logos through the Holy Spirit)
The Word
English translation of Logos
mystery of Jesus’s identity
refers to Logos taking flesh and becoming man
Paschal Mystery
mystery of Jesus’s mission
Jesus lived out the ancient Jewish covenant, the unbreakable relationship between God and His people
The Baptism of Jesus
his journey before ultimately dying on the cross begins here
asks John the Baptizer to baptize him
the water is polluted with our sins and Jesus emerges covered in it
this proves he’s taking our sins with him all the way to the cross
it manifested divinity (AKA it was an epiphany):
God spoke and called Jesus His beloved son → calling all of us His beloved children
then God comes as the Holy Spirit and rests within Christ
anything that entices us or provokes us to sin
The Temptation of Jesus 1
Note on the Temptations: As with Adam and Eve in the Garden, Satan never disobeys God—his plan for all of us is to sow doubt in our faith in God; this is why we sin
Temptation #1:
Jesus is driven by the Spirit to fast in the wilderness for 40 days
Satan comes and tries to break his faith in God and his identity as the Son
Jesus quotes Scripture = truth
The Temptation of Jesus 2
Temptation #2:
Jesus is taken by Satan to the pinnacle of the temple to jump off
he once again does not indulge Satan but instead speaks truth
The Temptation of Jesus 3
Temptation #3:
Satan challenges Jesus’s faith for the final time and this time offers him dominion over the world
Satan can offer this because he holds the world captive to sin
Jesus tells him to leave and proves that he will eventually rebuff sin and take back the world
this is his final test of identity before he can go minister in the world and it affirms him as the Son of God
Adam Typology
father of all future people
taken from untouched (“virgin”) earth
woman/wife made from his rib
lost friendship with God → inherited death
partnership between man and woman failed through Satan and Eve tempting Adam
Jesus Typology
first new man
father of the redeemed people
taken from untouched woman (the Virgin Mary)
his wife = Church; taken from his rib at the cross
won God’s friendship → inherited life
the solemnly vowed indissoluble relationship between God and His people
heresy; properties of human nature were lost in the Incarnation
Jesus takes human nature without losing the properties of human nature (opposite of absorbed)
taking it on means the second person of the Trinity takes human nature AND a human body
Messianic Prophet
one who foretells the coming of the Messiah
New Elijah
foretold in Scripture
one who foretells the coming of the Lord
one who lives in seclusion + solitude
John the Baptizer
manifestation of divinity
ex.: Baptism of Jesus
New Adam
first human to experience risen life
“slanderer” or “accuser”
transcendent effects of a morally evil act
the term for a fallen angel
chief fallen angel known by this