We're cooked fellas
The component of either dietary or storage fat that can be converted into glucose
A carbohydrate with 6 carbons and an aldehyde group
What does the pentose phosphate pathway produce
substrates used for nucleotide biosynthesis
location, insulin dependency, and capacity of GLUT3
brain, insulin dependent, low
location, insulin dependency, and capacity of GLUT1
RBC, insulin independent, normal
location, insulin dependency, and capacity of GLUT2
liver/pancreas, insulin independent, high
Rate limiting enzyme(s) in Glycolysis
Rate limiting enzyme(s) in TCA cycle
citrate synthase, isocitrate dehydrogenase
Rate limiting enzyme(s) in FA synthesis
Acetyl CoA carboxylase
Rate limiting enzyme(s) in FA oxidation
CPT 1 and CPT2
Rate limiting enzyme(s) in gluconeogenesis
PepCK, pyruvate carboxylase, PFK2
rate limiting enzyme(s) in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
feedback inhibition
Where do all major carbohydrate associated metabolic pathways take place within the cell?
What is different about glycolysis and GNG
in glycolysis, PFK1 and pyruvate kinase need to be bypassed
What is different about the way glucose and fructose are metabolized?
Fructose bypasses PFK1
What is different about glycogen breakdown in liver vs muscle?
In muscle, epinephrine activates glycogen breakdown, and in the liver glucagon stimulates glycogen breakdown
What allosterically activates PDH complex?
NAD+ and pyruvate
What 3 reactions need to be bypassed for GNG to occur?
pyruvate kinase, PFK1, glucokinase
What property must a reducing sugar have
donating electrons
Carbon-carbon double bonds in the cis form
result in a kinking of the fatty acid into a U shape
Cholesterol is NOT a precursor for
Acetyl CoA
What is created by the fatty acid synthase system?
What lipoprotein(s) are responsible for transport of lipid from intestine to tissues?
What lipoprotein(s) are responsible for transport of lipid from liver to tissues?
An example of an omega 6 fatty acid is
Linoleic acid
What is CPT1 and CPT2?
Rate limiting enzymes for fatty acid oxidation; transfer fatty acids into mitochondria
Which carbohydrate contains a total of 4 carbons?
Location and characteristics of GLUT1
Location: Brain, RBC, and blood-brain barrier; Characteristics: high affinity, insulin independent
Location and characteristics of GLUT2
Location: Liver, pancreatic beta cells, kidneys and intestines; Characteristics: glucose sensor in beta cells, insulin independent
Location and characteristics of GLUT3
Location: neurons; Characteristics: insulin independent, works well in low glucose concentration
Location and characteristics of GLUT4
Location: muscle and adipose tissue; Characteristics: moderate affinity, insulin dependent, regulated by physical exercise
Location and characteristics of GLUT5
Location: Small intestine, kidneys, muscle; Characteristics: primarily transports fructose, insulin independent
When disaccharides are consumed, how do they enter the blood?
Cleaved and enter blood as monosaccharide units
Where does glycogenolysis occur?
All cells do what process?
Which glucose transporter is responsible for getting glucose into the blood?
Why does glucagon not act on skeletal muscle cells?
Glucose will never leave that cell.
Where does ketone body synthesis occur?
What pathway does every cell have?
Pentose phosphate pathway
What shape is the structure of sugars in nature?
ring structure
What is lipolysis regulated by?
Hormone sensitive lipase