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Latin America
Good Neighbor Policy
Fall of this nation led to US joining war
Britain evacuated from French port Dunkirk and salvaged army
Russia was planning on attacking after Germany invaded Czech and Poland
Attack on US soil by them led to US getting into war
Annexed by Hitler
Hitler occupied Austria in March of 1938, Germany got Stutenland from them after the Munich Pact
Japan invaded in 1937, Roosevelt gave the quarantine speech, panay sinking
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Japan attacked them with bombs in December of 1941. Black Sunday. Killed 2400+ people and destroyed fleet of battleships and airships
Soviet Union
Invaded by Hitler in June of 1941, wanted to take their oil and resources
Stalin was hesitant of german control, led to invasion of soviet union
FDR promised assistance and lent them 1 bil
Newfoundland, Canada
Atlantic Conference took place there on naval vessels, Winston Churchill met FDR off the coast to speak about Germany’s invasions
Southeast of Greenland
USS Greer was attacked by German submarine
Southwester Iceland
Destroyer Rueben James was torpedoed and sunk in 1941
The London Economic Conference 1933
FDR wanted latin support to defend the west, 7th Panama conference in Montevideo (Uruguay)
Cuba released from Platt amendment. US left navy there but got rid of army
Marco Polo Bridge, Japan attack, 1st step to WW2
Hitler sent troops there after Hitler-Stalin Pact
Finland/Soviet Union
Soviet tried to invade Finland and even after 30 bil of US help they lost
end of phony war in april 1940 when hitler over ran Den. and Nor. next attacked Neth. and Belg. with a blow at france
Germany (Kristallnacht)
German mobs broke into Jew homes and blew things up
Auschwitz, Germany
concentration camps for Jews in germ
South Atlantic
american unnamed merchant ship Robin Moor was sunk by Germs in the South Atlantic in May 1941