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Charles Keeling
created Mauna Loa Observatory
El Niňo
warm waters go eastern pacific ocean
Kyoto Protocol
agreement to cut back emission below those of 1990
global climate change
changes in Earth’s climate
discuss the impacts on climate change
storm surge
an abnormal rise in the level of the sea
global warming
increase of Earth average temperature
Mauna Loa Observatory
measures carbon dioxide in atmosphere since 1958
microscopic droplets that can cool or warm the atmosphere
Hurricane Katrina
the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history
Energy Star Program
a program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy
precautionary principle
an action must prove it's not harmful
greenhouse skeptics
don’t believe in climate change
environmental refugees
forced to leave home because of envrionment
cap-and-trade permit-trading
a system where people trade their emissions
greenhouse gases
gases with the ability to absorb and hold heat in the atmosphere
proxy indicators
substitute for direct measurement
physical indicators of climate change
sea level rise
long term atmospheric conditions
biological indicators of climate change
birds migrating
weather indicators of climate change
more hot days than cold days
day to day conditons of the Earth’s atmosphere
La Niňa
cooler water come up and go westward