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3 Types of Tissue Systems in Plants
- which is Continuous throughout the plant
> Dermal
> Vascular
> Ground
- a waxy coating that helps prevent water loss from the epidermis
in NonWoody plants, the Dermal Tissue System consists of the _________
In Woody plants, these protective tissues replace the Epidermis in Older regions of stems
- specialized epidermal cells that facilitate Gas Exchange in shoots
Guard Cells
- hairlike outgrowths of the shoot epidermis
- can reduce water loss and reflect light
- can also help defend against insects
Tissue that protects organs
Dermal Tissue
Tissue that supports and transports
Vascular Tissue
Tissue that carries out photosynthesis
Ground Tissue
- facilitates the Transport of materials through the plant
- provides mechanical Support
Vascular Tissues
2 Vascular Tissues
> Xylem
> Phloem
- conducts water and dissolved MINERALS upwards from roots into the shoots
- transports Sugars from where they are made (primary leaves) to storage structures or sites of growth, the roots
Collective term for the vascular tissue of a root or stem
In Angiosperms, the Stele of the Root is a solid central _________ ________
Vascular Cylinder
- ground tissue INTERNAL to the Vascular Tissue
- ground tissue EXTERNAL to the Vascular Tissue
- includes cells specialized for Storage, Photosynthesis, Support, and Transport
Ground Tissue
3 Major Types of Plant Cells
> Parenchyma
> Collenchyma
> Sclerenchyma
- have thin and flexible primary walls
- generally lack secondary walls
Parenchyma Cells
- have a large Central Vacuole
Parenchyma Cells
- perform the most metabolic functions
Parenchyma Cells
- retain the ability to divide and differentiate
Parenchyma Cells
- have unevenly thickened primary cell walls
Collenchyma Cells
- are living at maturity
Collenchyma Cells
- provide flexible support without restraining growth
Collenchyma Cells
- a strengthening polymer in Sclerenchyma Cells
- are rigid due to thick secondary walls
Sclerenchyma Cells
- are dead at functional maturity
Sclerenchyma Cells
2 Types of Sclerenchyma Cells
> Sclereids
> Fibers
- are short and irregular in shape
- have thick lignifies secondary walls
- are long slender and arranged in threads
2 Types of Water-Conducting Cells of the Xylem
- which are dead and lignified at maturity
> Tracheids
> Vessel Elements
- are Long, Thin Cells with Tapered Ends found in the xylem of all vascular plants
- thin regions lacking secondary cell wall
- where water moves between tracheids through
- common to most angiosperms, and a few gymnosperms, and seedless vascular plants
Vessel Elements
- align end to end to form pipes called Vessels
Vessel Elements
- cells are Alive at Maturity, but lack Organelles
Sugar-conducting Cells of the Phloem
In seedless vascular plants and gymnosperms, sugars are transported through ______ _____
Sieve Cells
In angiosperms, sugars are transported in sieve tubes, chains of cells called
Sive-Tube Elements
- are the porous end walls between sieve-tube elements that allow fluid to flow between cells along the sieve tube
Sieve Plates
Each sieve-tube element is connected to a ________ ___ by ____________
Companion Cell
The nucleus and ribosomes of the companion cell also serve the......
Adjacent Sieve-Tube Element