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Prejudice against Jews, historically violent.
Christian Antisemitism
Religious-based prejudice against Jews.
Economic Antisemitism
Discrimination against Jews in economic contexts.
Nationalist Antisemitism
Labels Jews as outsiders to nations.
Racial Antisemitism
False belief in Jews as inferior race.
Blaming Jews for societal problems.
Violent attacks against Jews with local support.
Belief in improving human genetic quality.
Virginia Sterilization Act
1924 law allowing sterilization of 'unfit' individuals.
Buck v. Bell
1927 case supporting sterilization of the mentally ill.
Nazi concept of expanding living space.
Mein Kampf
Hitler's book outlining anti-Jewish ideology.
Genocidal Elements
Ideas promoting mass extermination of Jews.
Term for 'subhuman,' used by Nazis.
Political Opponents
Groups targeted for opposing Nazi regime.
Jehovah's Witnesses
Targeted for refusing military service.
Social Outsiders
Individuals seen as threats to society.
Homosexual Men
Targeted for perceived threat to birth rates.
Hereditary Conditions
Individuals with disabilities targeted for sterilization.
Mobile killing units during the Holocaust.
Heinrich Himmler
Key Nazi leader overseeing concentration camps.
Reinhard Heydrich
Architect of the Holocaust's logistics.
Adolf Eichmann
Nazi official coordinating deportations.
Location of Polish massacre of Jews.
Collective Effort
Holocaust involved participation from various societal levels.
9 Million Jews
Estimated Jewish population impacted by the Holocaust.
German-Controlled Europe
Regions where Holocaust atrocities spread rapidly.
Concentration Camps
Facilities for imprisoning and exterminating targeted groups.
Ordinary Individuals
Civilians involved in or complicit with Holocaust.
Widespread mass murder of Jews and others.
Territorial Expansion
Germans moved east targeting specific groups.
Systematic oppression of Jews and other groups.
Forced relocation of Jews to ghettos and camps.
Overcrowded, unsanitary areas isolating Jewish populations.
Concentration Camps
Facilities for forced labor and mass murder.
Detention of Jews in camps or ghettos.
The Final Solution
Nazi plan for the complete extermination of Jews.
Nuremberg Race Laws
1935 laws stripping Jews of citizenship rights.
Reich Citizenship Law
Defined citizenship based on ancestry, excluding Jews.
Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor
Banned intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews.
Term for racial defilement in Nazi ideology.
State-sanctioned violence against Jews, November 1938.
Forcible confinement of Jews in segregated areas.
Mobile killing units responsible for mass shootings.
Babi Yar
Site of mass execution of Jews in 1941.
Aktion T4
Euthanasia program targeting disabled individuals.
Siege of Leningrad
1941-1944 blockade causing over 1 million civilian deaths.
Mortality Rate
57.5% for Soviet POWs, less than 5% for Western.
Community Resilience
Efforts to maintain Jewish culture in ghettos.
Oneg Shabbat
Secret archive documenting life in ghettos.
Lublin Plan
Proposal to relocate Jews to a Polish reservation.
Madagascar Plan
Unfeasible plan to deport Jews to Madagascar.
Post-War Exile
Plan to send Jews east after defeating Soviets.
Mass Shootings
Widespread killings of Jews by Einsatzgruppen.
Psychological Impact
Trauma experienced by perpetrators of mass killings.
Poor Living Conditions
Unsanitary and overcrowded environments in ghettos.
Community Resilience
Efforts to sustain Jewish life amid oppression.
High Mortality Rates
Deaths in camps often recorded as suicides.
Aktion T4
Nazi program for systematic killing of disabled individuals.
Initial Victims
10,000 children targeted, later expanded to adults.
Public Outcry
Response to killings, led to covert operations.
Estimated Deaths
250,000 individuals killed through Aktion T4.
Final Solution
Nazi plan for the extermination of Jews.
Wannsee Conference
Meeting to coordinate the implementation of the Final Solution.
Psychological Impact
Mass shootings deemed inefficient for perpetrators' mental health.
Extermination Camps
Facilities designed for industrialized mass killings.
Gas Chambers
Transition from shootings to asphyxiation for efficiency.
Deportation Tactics
Jews transported under false resettlement pretenses.
Death Camps
Locations where mass killings occurred, primarily in Poland.
Separation upon Arrival
Men, women, children separated for labor assessment.
Jewish Victims
6 million out of 9 million European Jews killed.
Death Camps Casualties
2.7 million killed in extermination camps.
Mass Shootings Casualties
2 million killed through mass shootings and gas vans.
Non-Jewish Victims
Nearly 6 million non-Jews killed during the Holocaust.
Soviet POWs
Over 3 million Soviet prisoners of war killed.
Nuremberg Trials
First international tribunal for prosecuting war crimes.
Major Perpetrators
Hitler and Himmler evaded justice post-war.
Resistance Movements
Partisan groups sabotaging Nazis and aiding escapes.
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Armed revolt against Nazis in April 1943.
Survival Rate
⅔ of Europe's Jewish population perished during Holocaust.
MS St. Louis
Ship of German Jews denied entry to the US.
Final Solution Awareness
Limited government response to reports of mass murder.
Holocaust Denial
Denial fueled by Nazi secrecy and euphemisms.
Cultural Preservation
Efforts to maintain Jewish culture during persecution.
Public Response
Mixed reactions from Americans towards Nazi actions.
Emigration Challenges
Great Depression hindered Jewish escape from Europe.
Nazi extermination camp, evidence often denied.
Hiding evidence
Concealment of Nazi crimes post-war.
Shallow Understanding of the Holocaust
Limited knowledge about concentration vs extermination camps.
Misattribution of Auschwitz
Incorrectly linking Auschwitz liberation to American troops.
Arsenal of Democracy
Term for America's war production efforts.
War Production Board
Agency determining production needs for war.
Office of War Mobilization
Managed wartime production and reconversion efforts.
Ration cards
Used to control food and gas distribution.
North Africa Campaign
Allied operations against Axis powers in Africa.
General Dwight Eisenhower
Allied commander during North Africa and Europe.
Toarch Landings
Allied invasion of North Africa, November 1942.
Kasserine Pass
Battle where Axis forces pushed Allies back.
Soft underbelly of Europe
Term for Italy's strategic vulnerability in WWII.
Invasion of Sicily
Allied operation beginning July 9-10, 1943.