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circulatory system
transports nutrients and other important resources
cardiovascular and lymphatic
the circulatory system includes the ______ and ______ system
disease and infection
the circulatory system also helps fight ____ and _____
the heart
what is the main structure in the circulatory system
contracts and relaxes
the heart muscle _____ and _____ constantly
blood moves from the heart to the ____, and back to the heart
gas and nutrients
blood moving through vessels allows for ____ exchange and ____ to all cells
cardiovascular system
pumps blood throughout the body
number the path of blood flow (1-4): blood travels from the lungs throughout the body down to the left ventricle
number the path of blood flow (1-4): takes nutrients and oxygen to all the cells of the body, where it picks up waste products
number the path of blood flow (1-4): the blood returns through the right atrium
number the path of blood flow (1-4): goes down to the right ventricle, and out to the lungs where gas is exchanged
double loop
our hearts have a ____ system, a continuous pumping of blood
in loop 1, blood travels from the ____ to the lungs and back again
oxygenated and deoxygenated
in loop 2, _____ blood moves from the heart out to the body and _____ blood is returned to the heart
____ blood cells play a key role in transporting oxygen
red blood cells pick up ____ in the lungs to bring to cells
carbon dioxide
red blood cells absorb ______ in the body and brings it to the lungs
blood vessels
connects the heart to the body
carries blood away from the heart
carries blood back to the heart, and has thinner walls than arteries do
tiny; substances are exchanged between blood and vessels
superior vena cava
what part of the heart is number 1
superior vena cava
the ___ is the major blood vessel from the upper body to the heart
the upper body
where does the blood from superior vena cava come from
what part of the heart is number 10
the ___ is the blood vessel from the heart to the body
the upper body
where does the aorta bring blood to
pulmonary artery
what part of the heart is number 2
pulmonary artery
the ____ are blood vessels from the heart to lungs
pulmonary vein
what part of the heart is number 3
pulmonary vein
the _____ is a blood vessel attached/leading to a lung
left atrium
what part of the heart is number 8
left atrium
the ____ receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs
aortic valve
what part of the heart is number 5
right atrium
what part of the heart is number 9
right atrium
the _____ receives oxygen-poor blood from the body
left ventricle
what part of the heart is number 6
left ventricle
the _____ pumps oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body
right ventricle
what part of the heart is number 7
right ventricle
the _____ pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs
inferior vena cava
what part of the heart is number 13
inferior vena cava
the ______ is a major blood vessel from the lower body to the heart
pulmonary valve
what part of the heart is number 11
what is the thick wall of skin between number 7 and 6 called
the ______ system transports materials from one part of the body to another
______ carries food, water, oxygen, and other materials through the circulatory system to the body’s cells and tissues
blood carries away ______ materials, including carbon dioxide produced during cellular respiration
the _______ is a muscle that pushes blood through the circulatory system
the upper two chambers through which blood enters the heart are the _____ (plural)
the lower two chambers through which blood leaves the heart are the ______
right, right
oxygen-poor blood flows into the ____ atrium from the body, and goes into the ______ ventricle, which pumps it to the lungs
left, left
oxygen-rich blood flows into the _____ atrium from the lungs, and it goes into the ____ ventricle, which pumps it to the body
large blood vessels that take blood away from the heart are called _______
arteries branch into smaller vessels called ______
arterioles branch into tiny _____, blood vessels that deliver supplies to individual cells and take away waste materials
vessels that bring blood toward the heart are called ____
systemic circulation
_______ is the network of vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body and from the body back to the heart
coronary circulation
a network of arteries and veins called the _______ supplies blood to all the cells of the heart
pulmonary circulation
the network of vessels that carries blood to and from the lungs is called _______
______ diseases occur when blood vessels lose flexibility and the heart muscle weakens
blood pressure higher than 140/90 mm Hg is known as ______
the buildup of fatty materials within the walls of arteries is called ______
heart attack
a(n) _____ occurs when part of the heart muscle dies or is damaged
a stroke happens when part of the ____ dies or is damaged
risk factors
most ______ for circulatory disease can be controlled by making good life choices, like eating a healthy diet, controlling weight, exercising, and not smoking
the circulatory system works with the respiratory, digestive, endocrine, and ____ systems
the circulatory system transports _____ from the digestive system