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infectious waste
waste that can transmit an infectious disease
substance that stops or slows the growth of microorganisms on skin
blood-borne pathogens
disease causing organisms transferred through contact with blood or other body fluids
chain of infection
conditions that all must be present for infection to occur
contaminated waste
items such as gloves and patient napkins that may contain potentially infectious body fluids of patient
chemical used to reduce or lower the number of microorganisms or inanimate objects.
environmental surface
surface within a healthcare facility that is not directly involved in patient care, but may be contaminated during treatment
hazardous waste
waste that poses a danger or risk to humans or the environment
having an immune system that is weakened
graphic elements used on a hazard label, used to identify the specific hazard class and category
precautionary statement
phrase that describes recommended measures to prevent adverse effects resulting from exposure to a hazardous chemical or improper storage or handling of a hazardous chemcial
surface barrier
fluid-resistant material used to cover surfaces likely to become contaminated
process that kills all microorganisms
dental unit waterline
small-bore tubing, commonly made of plastic, used to deliver water through a dental unit for dental treatment
capable of killing some viruses
self contained water resevoir
container attached to a dental unit that is used to hold and supply water or other solutions to handpieces and air-water syringes
acquired immunity
immunity that is developed over a persons lifetime
bio burden
blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids
life-threatening allergic reaction
communicable disease
condition caused by an infection that can be spread from person to person or through contact with bodily fluids
infection control
policies and practices designed to prevent the spread of infectious agents
personal protective equipment
items that include protective clothing, masks, gloves, and eyewear used to protect employees
artificially aquired immunity
immunity that results from a vaccination
instrument processing
transport 2cleaning 3packaging 4sterilization 5storage 6delivery 7quality