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what are satellite states
countries with authoritarian communist regimes loyal to Moscow
why was Stalin so focused on using Poland as a buffer zone as means for security
since Germany used it to invade Russia in 1914 and 1941
why did Stalin hold back the red army in 1944
to allow the Nazis to slaughter much of the polish resistance
when was the polish government of national unity established
June 1945
what was the polish government of national unity made up of
dominated by members of the pro soviet Lublin government however also included members from a range of parties e.g peasant party mikolajczyk
when were right wing parties outlawed in Poland
when was the election in Poland and by how much did the communist party win
Jan 1947
when was gomulka forced to resign and who was he replaced by
how much soviet control was there in romania 1944-45
1944 pro Nazi gov removed and replaced with coalition and Ussr encourages communists to disrupt replacement gov
1945 unrest used to justify soviet occupation
when was the election in Romania and how much did the communist party win by
November 1946
how much control did Stalin have over Bulgaria in 1944-45
1944 communist coup removes Bulgarian monarchy
1945 communists and socialists gain majority of votes in election and Stalin encourages creation of coalition gov.
when was the election in Bulgaria and by how much did the communists win?
October 1946
communists win 75% in rigged elections
when was Bulgarian opposition leader petkov executed
how much control did Stalin over Hungary in 44-45
communists only received 16% of vote in rigged election in 1944 but in 45 Stalin issued ultimatum to ensure communist deputy PM
when was the right wing Hungarian smallholder party leader Kovaks arrested
when was the election in hungary and by how much did the communists win
august 1947
when was Hungarian communist leader Rijk executed for being anti soviet
when was the election in czech and how much of the vote did communists get
1946 gained 38% of vote in free election
how did Stalin take control over Czech
1947 czech gov forced not to accept marshall aid
june 1948 czech coup ;
foreign secretary mazaryk found dead and president benes forced to resign
when did yugoslavia become a communist state
when did tito split with stalin and why
1948 due to his refusal to comply with soviet economic and foreign policy
when was cominform created
sept 1947