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Developmental Psychology
Study of how people grow and change over time.
Harmful substances (e.g., alcohol, drugs) that can hurt a baby during pregnancy.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (F.A.S.)
Birth defects caused by drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
Getting used to something so you stop noticing it.
Natural physical and mental growth that happens with age.
Sensorimotor Stage
(0–2 years) Babies learn through senses and actions.
Preoperational Stage
(2–7 years) Kids think magically and are egocentric (can’t see others’ perspectives).
Only understanding things from your point of view.
Theory of Mind
Realizing others have thoughts and feelings.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
A condition that affects communication and social interactions.
Concrete Operational Stage
(7–11 years) Kids think logically about things they can see and understand conservation.
Knowing the amount of something stays the same even if it looks different.
Formal Operational Stage
(12+ years) People think abstractly and solve complex problems.
Support given to help a child learn something new.
Smallest sound in a word (e.g., 'ch' in 'chip').
Smallest unit of meaning in language (e.g., 'un-', '-ing').
Universal Grammar
Chomsky’s idea that all humans are born with the ability to learn language.
Babbling Stage
(4 months) Babies make random sounds.
One-Word Stage
(1 year) Babies speak single words.
Two-Word Stage
(2 years) Kids speak in simple phrases.
Difficulty speaking or understanding language due to brain damage.
Linguistic Determinism
Language completely shapes how we think.
Linguistic Relativism
Language influences but doesn’t control our thinking.
Stranger Anxiety
Fear of strangers (starts ~8 months).
Separation Anxiety
Upset when separated from a caregiver.
Ecological Systems Theory
Bronfenbrenner’s idea that different environments influence development.
Emotional bond with a caregiver.
Critical Period
Specific time when development is easiest (e.g., language learning).
When animals attach to the first thing they see (e.g., baby ducks).
A person’s natural emotional style.
Secure Attachment
Feeling safe with a caregiver.
Insecure Attachment
Feeling worried or distant from a caregiver.
Basic Trust
Feeling the world is safe and predictable, learned in childhood.
Anxious Attachment
Clingy and fearful of rejection.
Avoidant Attachment
Distant and avoids closeness.
How someone sees and values themselves.
Independence (2–3 years).
Confidence to take actions (3–5 years).
Feeling capable of learning and doing things (6–12 years).
Loving but sets clear rules.
Strict with little warmth.
Too lenient and indulgent.
Not involved in the child’s life.
Behavior intended to harm someone.
Social Learning Theory
Learning by watching others.
Gender Typing
Learning society’s roles for boys or girls.
Having both masculine and feminine traits.
Gender Identity
How you see yourself as male, female, or neither.
Sexual Orientation
Who you are attracted to romantically.
X/Y Chromosomes
X = female, Y = male.
Male hormone.
Female hormone.
When women stop having periods (~50 years).
Gaining new knowledge or skills.
Associative Learning
Connecting two events.
Something that causes a reaction.
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
Something that doesn’t cause a response yet.
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
Something that naturally triggers a response.
Unconditioned Response (UR)
Natural reaction to a stimulus.
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Learned trigger for a response.
Conditioned Response (CR)
Learned reaction to a stimulus.
When a learned behavior fades.
Spontaneous Recovery
When a faded behavior returns.
Responding to similar stimuli.
Knowing the difference between similar stimuli.
Law of Effect
Behaviors with good outcomes happen more.
Encourages a behavior.
Discourages a behavior.
Rewarding small steps toward a goal.
Positive Reinforcement
Adding something good to increase behavior.
Negative Reinforcement
Taking away something bad to increase behavior.
Primary Reinforcer
Natural reward (e.g., food).
Conditioned Reinforcer
Learned reward (e.g., money).
Reward after a set number of actions.
Reward after a random number of actions.
Reward after a set amount of time.
Reward after a random amount of time.
Cognitive Map
Mental layout of a space (Tolman).
Latent Learning
Learning that shows up later.
Insight Learning
Sudden understanding of a problem.
Observational Learning
Learning by watching others (Bandura).
Bobo Doll Experiment
Kids mimic aggression they see (Bandura).
Mirror Neurons
Brain cells that help with imitation.
Prosocial Behavior
Positive, helpful actions.
Antisocial Behavior
Negative, harmful actions.
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development stages.
Harry Harlow
Attachment in monkeys.
Mary Ainsworth
Types of attachment.
Albert Bandura
Social learning theory.
Erik Erikson
Psychosocial development stages.
Edward Tolman
Cognitive maps.
Robert Rescorla
Predictability in classical conditioning.
B.F. Skinner
Operant conditioning.
Edward Thorndike
Law of Effect.
John Garcia
Taste aversion.
John Watson/Rosalie Rayner
Little Albert experiment.
Ivan Pavlov
Classical conditioning.
Diana Baumrind
Parenting styles.
Konrad Lorenz
Imprinting in animals.
Noam Chomsky
Universal grammar.