Unit 2 Population and Migration Vocabulary

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population distribution

The pattern in which humans are spread out on Earth's surface.

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population density

The average number of people per unit of land area.

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world's current population

The total number of humans currently living.

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major population concentrations

A concentrated area of inhabitants taking up a large amount of land per unit.

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The portion of Earth's surface with permanent human settlement.

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arithmetic population density

The average number of people per unit of land area (usually per square mile or kilometer).

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physiologic population density

The average number of people per unit area (a square mile or kilometer) of arable land.

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agricultural population density

The number of farmers per unit of arable land.

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Age structure

Refers to the breakdown of a population into different age groups or cohorts.

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sex ratio

The ratio of the number of men to number of women in a population.

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population pyramid

A very useful graphic device for comparing age and sex structure.

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A less developed country.

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A more developed country.

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total fertility rate (TFR)

The average number of children born per woman during her reproductive lifetime, considered to be from 15 to 49 years of age.

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birth rate

The number of live births per thousand of population per year.

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replacement fertility level

The average number of children needed to replace both parents and stabilize population over time.

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mortality (death) rate

The measure of deaths, typically in groups of people.

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infant mortality rate

The measure of how many infants die within the first year of their life per 1000 live births.

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child mortality rate

Deaths of children under five years of age.

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maternal mortality rate

The number of maternal deaths during a given time period per 100,000 live births during the same time period.

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A person who migrates or moves.

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emigration (out migration)

The act of a migrant leaving their place (country) of origin.

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immigration (in migration)

The act of a migrant arriving at their destination country.

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transnational migration

When migrants move back and forth between their home countries and those to which they have migrated.

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internal migration

When people move within the borders of a country.

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natural increase

The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths recorded over a period.

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population doubling time

The amount of time it takes for the population of a region to double.

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When the projection population shows exponential growth.

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Growth over time, starting out slowly, picking up speed during rapid growth, then tapering off as growth slows.

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Demographic Transition model

<p>How crude birth rate (CBR) and crude death rate (CDR) as well as the resulting rate of natural increase (RNI) change over time as countries go through industrialization and urbanization.</p>

How crude birth rate (CBR) and crude death rate (CDR) as well as the resulting rate of natural increase (RNI) change over time as countries go through industrialization and urbanization.

<p>How crude birth rate (CBR) and crude death rate (CDR) as well as the resulting rate of natural increase (RNI) change over time as countries go through industrialization and urbanization.</p>
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Epidemiologic Transition model

<p>Seeks to explain how changes in health services and living standards affect patterns of disease.</p>

Seeks to explain how changes in health services and living standards affect patterns of disease.

<p>Seeks to explain how changes in health services and living standards affect patterns of disease.</p>
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Thomas Malthus (1798)

He coined the term overpopulation in the late 1700s.

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Ester Boserup (1965)

She created the idea that population growth is a positive force in agricultural innovation, that it drives technology forward.

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People who today subscribe to the Malthusian view of population.

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pro-natalist population policies

Designed to boost fertility rates and ultimately population growth.

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anti-natalist population policies

Designed to curtail population growth by reducing fertility rates.

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immigration policies

Can restrict immigration or open borders to immigrants.

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Ravenstein's laws of migration (1885)

<p>Laws created by Ravenstein that describe the reason why immigrants typically move, the distance they move, and their characteristics.</p>

Laws created by Ravenstein that describe the reason why immigrants typically move, the distance they move, and their characteristics.

<p>Laws created by Ravenstein that describe the reason why immigrants typically move, the distance they move, and their characteristics.</p>
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population aging

Changes in the age composition of a population such that there is an increase in the proportion of older persons.

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life expectancy

The number of years a person can expect to live from birth.

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aging index

A tool to measure the untapped potential of older people for active and healthy aging across countries.

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pull factors

The attributes of other places that make them appealing to potential migrants.

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push factors

Factors that cause people to be dissatisfied with their present locales and want to move somewhere else.

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intervening opportunity

A nearby attractive locale where migrants may decide to settle instead of going to the intended destination farther away.

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intervening obstacle

A complication that potential migrants will need to overcome to reach their destination.

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The systematic killing of members of a racial, ethnic, or linguistic group.

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ethnic cleansing

The forced removal of one ethnic group by another ethnic group to create an ethnically consistent territory.

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forced migration

Migration caused by forces out of one's control, such as disasters, social conflicts, or developmental projects.

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The state and condition of being a slave.

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A person who leaves their country because of persecution based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or political opinion.

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asylum seeker

A person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another.

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internally displaced person (internal refugee)

Someone who remains within his or her country's borders despite being persecuted by their home country.

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voluntary migration

Migration that is done willingly.

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internal migration

When people move within the borders of a country.

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A phenomenon where herders and their livestock move seasonally between their summer and winter pastures.

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chain migration

The process by which some people's migration to a new place leads their family members, friends, and others to move to the same place.

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step migration

Migration carried out in a series of stages, usually from nearby to bigger and more distant places.

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guest workers

A person with temporary permission to work in another country.

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rural to urban migration(Intraregional)

When people move from the countryside to cities.

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counter urbanization

A demographic and social process whereby people move from urban areas to rural areas.

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The movement of people from urban core areas to the surrounding outskirts of a city.

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International migration

When moves are made across national borders.

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Interregional migration

When people move within the borders of a country.

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Rust Belt

<p>A potentially despairing term for a region of the United States that experienced industrial decline starting around 1980.</p>

A potentially despairing term for a region of the United States that experienced industrial decline starting around 1980.

<p>A potentially despairing term for a region of the United States that experienced industrial decline starting around 1980.</p>
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Sun Belt

<p>States in coastal areas and the South and Southwest.</p>

States in coastal areas and the South and Southwest.

<p>States in coastal areas and the South and Southwest.</p>
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