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accommodation, assimilation, and equilibration
Piaget stages
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
Sensorimotor (Age 0-2)
Act on the environment, learn object permanence (Senses)
Learn through reflexes, senses, movement
Preoperational (Age 2-7)
Develop language, think logically in one direction
Concrete Operational (Age 7-11)
Organizes into categories, series; can reverse operations
Formal Operational (Age 11- +)
Adolescence to adulthood
Think hypothetically, deductively, abstractly
Can consider multiple perspectives (WEEK 1, LEC 2 SLIDES)
Alter existing schemas or create new ones in response to new information(WEEK 1, LEC 2 SLIDES)
Fit new information into existing schemas; occurs when a child recognizes new things/experiences in terms of fitting into pre existing schemas(WEEK 1, LEC 2 SLIDES)
Overall act of searching for mental balance between cognitive schemas and information from environment; explains how children are capable of progressing from one period of thought into the next (WEEK 1, LEC 2 SLIDES)
Erik Erikson
Known for his 9-stage theory of Psychosocial Development
Trust vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame/ Doubt
Initiative vs. Guilt
Industry vs. inferiority
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
The Ninth Stage
A person in his/her 80s and 90s revisits all prior stages but the order of crisis within each is reversed.
Criticisms of Eriksons theory
was not relevant to other demographics- fouses on European American Males
Cognitive Development Theory
Gradual orderly changes by which mental processes become more complex/ sophisticated
It is not always easy or possible to induce students to experience a cognitive disequilibrium sufficient to stimulate them to seek answers.
Use imitation, instruction, and collaboration• Scaffold learning: Support learning with clues, tips
Assisted learning
Help in initial stages of learning a task
ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development)
Phase at which a child can master a task if given appropriate help and support
What is scaffolding
Model thought process for students • Use organizers, starters (who, what, why, how, what next) • Do part of the problem with students • Give hints, cues • Encourage short-term goals, small steps • Connect new learning to interests, prior knowledge • Use graphic organizers (timelines, charts, tables) • Simplify the task, clarify the purpose, give clear directions • Teach key vocabulary and provide examples
Epigenetic Principle
Idea that development progresses through a series of interrelated stages and that each stage has a critical period of development
Psychosocial Crisis
Turning points; conflict between opposing psychological qualities
At each Eriksonian stage, a person faces a critical developmental crisis or task.
Crisis resolution can be either + or -
Sociocultural Theory
Emphasis on interactions between children and more knowledgeable members of society
Co-constructed processes
Social process of interacting to create understanding & solve a problem
What are the Piaget and Vygotsky views?
Piaget: Creates disequilibrium, encourages development
Vygotsky: fosters development