PSY290 - Lecture 5: Neurodevelopment

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change in a specific property over time

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developmental trajectory

refers to the normal rate of change in a group

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prenatal neurodevelopment steps

  1. induction of neural plate

  2. neuronal proliferation

  3. neuronal migration + aggregation

  4. axonal growth + synapse formation

  5. neuronal death + synapse elimination

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the beginning

  • begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg, making a zygote

  • blastocyst implants around 7-10 days, continues to develop

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neural plate

  • ~18 days after conception, embryo has 3 layers

  • neural plate is on the ectoderm

  • formation of the neural plate is induced by chemicals from the mesoderm

  • neural plate will become the nervous system

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embryo layers

  • ectoderm (outside)

  • mesoderm (middle)

  • endoderm (inside)

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in the neural plate…

  • cells are stem cells

  • important properties

    • nearly unlimited capacity for self-renewal

    • pluripotent (can develop into many cell types)

  • division produces a new stem cell + another cell

  • stem cells can give rise to other cells at a very high rate

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over time, the neural plate…

  • folds to form neural groove

  • sides of neural groove fuse to form neural tube (~24 days)

  • tube center will become the ventricular system + spinal canal

  • growths on the anterior of the tube (~40 days) later become midbrain, hindbrain + forebrain

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neuronal proliferation

  • progenitor cells divide thickness of tube increases with more cells

  • most division occurs in the ventricular zone (tube interior)

  • proliferation affected by chemical signals from the dorsal surface (roof plate) + ventral surface (floor plate) of tube

  • some cells along the ventricular zone may retain this capacity

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  • movement of cells to their target locations

  • inside-out process (outside layers migrate last)

  • at this stage, cells lack processes (no dendrite/axons)

  • migration may be tangential or radial

  • mechanisms of each may be distinct

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migration of the cells outward

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migration of the cells across

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migration and cortical layers

deeper layers are migrated to first

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  • neurons align with other neurons in the same area

  • cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) vital here

    • CAMs are present on the surface of cells

    • CAMs recognize other cells and adhere to them

  • Gap junctions prevalent during this period

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axonal growth basics

  • axons grow outward to their target

  • very precise process

  • at the end of each axon is a growth cone

  • each cone has filopodia

    • ‘search’, extend + retract

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growth cone

as you move forward, your growing this tract outwards

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how does the axon “know where to go”?

chemical sensitivity

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Sperry’s Exp - Healthy Frog

  • well developed visual processing pathway

  • sever the optic nerve and it will regrow

  • when an insect is dangled in front of a normal frog, the frog strikes at it accurately with its tongue

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Sperry’s Exp - with eye rotation

  • rotate the eye and the frog misdirects its tongue

  • mismatch in the projection

  • when the eye is rotated 180 degrees, the frog misdirects its strikes by 180 degrees

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Sperry’s Exp - with cut nerve

  • unalike regions are close together

  • when the optic nerve is cut and the eye is rotated by 180 degrees, at first the frog is blind

    • but once the optic nerve has regenerated the frog misdirects its strikes by 180 degrees

    • this is because the axons of the optic nerve, although rotated, grow back to their original synaptic sites

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axonal growth pathway

  • small group of pioneer axons moves first

  • growth cones responds to various chemical signals

    • attractants + repellants

    • released by neurons + other cells in the matrix

  • other axons will follow the pioneer axons later, forming axonal bundles (eg. tracts)

  • eg. thick snow on the ground, first person to walk through the snow will have a horrible time but they will leave tracks for other people to follow

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bundles of tracts

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chemoaffinity hypothesis

  • the axon (pre-synaptic) is guided toward its target cell (post-synaptic) because that cell releases special chemicals

    • cell A releases chemical X

    • axon B is sensitive to chemical X, but axon C is not

    • axon B grows toward cell A, but axon C does not

  • however evidence suggests that this signaling is not simply point-to-point (eg. A to B) but more complex

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chemoaffinity in reality

  • the retina or tectum were lesioned

  • if an area loses its normal axonal input, it will recieve input from other axons instead (1)

  • if axons have ‘lost’ their normal target, they will project to another target instead (2)

  • cells can receive new projections that they otherwise wouldnt in specific circumstances

  • chemoaffinity theory is proven false

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topographic gradient hypothesis

  • variation of chemoaffinity theory

  • axons are sensitive to the same factors but in different amounts

  • exposure to factors is determined by the relative position of the axons in the tissue

    • Cell A releases Chemical X

    • Axon B and Axon C are both sensitive to Chemical X

    • however, Axon B is more exposed to Chemical X

    • Axon B grows toward Cell A but Axon C does not

  • it is not just the chemical that matters but the concentration of that chemical

  • high concentrations of one chemical may result in growth that are very different than those patterns that would be observed in low concentration

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  • synapse formation occurs after axonal growth

  • astrocytes (and other glial cells) are important here

    • important for synaptic development

    • associated with more synapses

  • form more synapses than necessary

  • many synapses created are later removed

  • this is a method of the axon communicating chemically with a compartment of another cell

  • select for the best and eliminate the rest

    • many synapses we make are not useful and need to be eliminated

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at the neuromuscular junction

  • an axon may “lose” at some synapses, but “win” at others

  • the inputs of a mature neuron are fewer but more elaborate and more effective

  • keep the strongest

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what does synaptogenesis mean?

synapse formation

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what if synapses aren’t formed?

  • when two cells are connected via a synapse, they exchange chemical signals

  • this form of signaling is vital to cell survival

  • cells that do not form synapses will often die

  • when a cell forms connections with another, the cell receives survival signal from the partner

  • Cell A connects with Cell B, Cell B releases important factors keeping Cell A alive

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what are the survival signals?

  • neurotrophins are transmitted via retrograde signaling (from Cell B —> Cell A)

  • there is a limited amount of NTs released, which leads to a competition among terminals (NT hypothesis)

  • you keep about 50% of the cells you make

  • very competitive process

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  • form of programmed cell death

  • cleaner process, wherein the cell’s contents are packaged for convenient disposal

  • less inflammation

  • preferred, safer process

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  • form of cell death (eg. via nutritional insufficiency)

  • cells ‘break apart’ + spill their contents (leave behind trash)

  • more risk for inflammation

  • only used in extreme situations

  • very problematic

  • microglia play an important role in mitigating inflammation and ‘cleaning up the mess’

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cell death

  • is normal and a good thing

  • you generate about 50% more neurons than needed

  • many neurons are lost during development

  • the neurons that survive, you keep for a long time

  • in most of the CNS, new neurons are not generated

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in the mouse brain

similar order of events as the human brain, myelinate an axon after its found its home not before

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from birth to adulthood…

  • volume of brain quadruples (x4)

  • growth not due to a gain in neurons (in fact many neurons are lost), but other processes

    • synaptogenesis (more synapses)

    • dendritic arborization (growth of dendrites)

    • myelination of axons

  • some brain areas develop faster than others

    • primary sensory cortices develop early (associated with vital survival functions for infants

    • prefrontal cortex develops last

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synaptic density with age

  • the density of synapses declines after the first year of life

  • synapses develop rapidly then pruning happens later on

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consequences of pruning

  • the prefrontal cortex is involved in planning, initiating and inhibition of behavior (and thereby impulse control)

  • these functions are most developed at age 25 (and often poorly developed beforehand)

    • if we were to take synaptic pruning as an indicator of maturity, the 25 years old thing is true (cognitive peak)

  • development of the prefrontal cortex with time + experience explain the striking behavior differences between adolescents and adults

    • develop maturity over time w/experience is the evolutionary argument

  • alterations in PFC developmental trajectory may delay or impair executive function

    • people with a delay in PFC will have poor impulse control

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synapse elimination

  • glial cells play an important role in synapse formation, elimination and maintenance

  • increasingly, we are considering the role that glial cells might play in disorders of the nervous system

  • disorders can be from too much cortex

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synaptic properties are…

  • modifiable with experiences!

  • get rid of the synapses that are not needed

  • it is not quantity of the synapses, but the quality

    • what they do and how strong they are

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developmental periods

  • critical and sensitive period

  • thought to be periods of high neuroplasticity

  • we can identify potential developmental periods with deprivation and enrichment studies in animals

    • periods in humans suggested by correlational data

  • periods of time where our nervous system has a lot of change or adjustment

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critical period

time interval where an experience MUST occur for proper development

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sensitive period

time interval where an experience has a relatively greater effect on development

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critical period example

  • in animals, early visual deprivation (eg via blindfolding when young) disrupts the development of visual pathways

  • effects of early visual deprivation cannot be reversed by later experiences (even if you remove the blindfold)

    • will never get normal visual system

  • later visual deprivation is much less consequential (as it is outside the critical period)

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why do critical periods end?

  • many theories; several are focused on axons

  • myelination of axons occur after critical periods close

  • myelination of existing neurons creates a physical barrier to growth and sprouting of other axons

  • myelination can also release certain factors which inhibit axonal growth, such as Nogo

  • a developing nervous system is easier to change than a mature one

  • need the input during the critical because that is when it is easy

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sensitive periods for language

  • input is more meaningful for development

  • language is much easier to learn when you are young vs trying to learn a language when you are an adult

  • language acquisition is easiest between 3-7 years old

  • much harder to acquire after 18 years

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why is learning a language when you are older harder?

  • difficult to test

  • motivation for second language learning is different than first

  • context in which second language is learned varies

    • for kids its to communicate

    • for adults its mainly for interest or a job

  • language acquisition may involve different mechanisms in different ages

  • when you are younger you are immersed in that language and there is no backup language

  • when you are older you spend an hr a week but you have a native language to fall back on if you are struggling

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adult neurogenesis

  • means generation of new cells in adulthood

  • for the most part, the CNS has limited regenerative capacity

  • neurons, once lost, are lost forever (and were losing them all the time)

  • you can only really make new neurons in large amounts during development - we are thus continuously running out of cells

  • there may be exceptions

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where does adult neurogenesis occur?

  • either in hippocampus or lateral ventricles

    • not a lot of new cells

  • humans have had a handful of cases

    • requires post mortem tissue

  • takes about 48 weeks to develop a new cell

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the neurogenesis debate

  • neurogenesis occurs in most mammalian species studied - but it is currently unclear whether the extent is significant enough to be meaningful in adult humans

  • assuming it does occur in humans, why does it matter?

    • learning and mood regulation

  • not super meaningful if youre just making a handful of cells

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why does neurogenesis matter?

  • when young, new adultborn neurons have enhanced excitability and plasticity relative to older developmentally-generated cells

  • enhanced hippocampal neurogenesis is correlated with improved memory and reduced anxiety

  • young neurons may play a role in stress resiliency, allowing for greater resistance to stress-induced depression

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Neurodevelopmental Disorders

  • NDDs

  • disorders wherein there is abnormal development of the nervous system, leading to abnormal cognition and behavior

  • NDDs often emerge early in life (eg autism, adhd, intellectual disabilities and language disabilities)

    • high heritability, strong role of genetic factors

  • NDDs are considered distinct from aquired disorders, which usually emerge in adult hood and are the result of brain changes (eg injuries) in adult hood

  • abnormal development —> abnormal cognition and behavior

  • result of processes that have been ongoing for a long time

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  • two or more conditions at the same time

  • people with one NDD are at much higher risk for having another

  • odds of autism and ADHD (~20/10,000) are much higher than expected by chance

  • comorbidity may be due to similarities in genetic factors or environmental factors

    • eg gene X contributes to ASD and ADHD

    • if you have the variation of it, you could get both disorders

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  • SZ

  • cluster of symptoms both

  • positive (add something) and

    • most commonly hallucinations

  • negative (absence or reduction of something that is usually present)

    • reduction in speech or motivation

    • flat emotional face

  • it is unlikely to have every single symptom, but most of the time you have a few positive and a few negative

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neural features of schizophrenia

  • cortical atrophy (temporal cortex, HPC and PFC)

    • less gray matter

  • abnormal cell organization (HPC)

  • hypofrontality

    • reduced ability frontal lobe to process info

    • less active during tasks

  • tends to appear later in life

    • males is earlier, females is later

  • soft signs

    • impairments that predict later emergence of a disorder

    • not remarkable or strong

  • alterations in DA transmission

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major risk factor of schizophrenia

  • prenatal + postnatal risk factors; some are “choices” (eg drugs) whereas others are “random accidents” (eg illness)

  • major factor is cannabis

  • family history has the greatest correlation

  • born in the winter

  • maternal depression

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cannabis during development

  • correlation

  • heavy cannabis use during adolescence is a concern as it may impede brain development during a vital sensitive period

  • cannabis use is associated with an increased risk for schizophrenia (~2x) and an earlier onset

  • earlier onset of cannabis use is associated with more significant impairments in cognitive functioning

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adolescent cannabis + the brain

white matter integrity reduced + gray matter reduced (in HPC and OFC just like schizophrenia)

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DA hypothesis of schizophrenia

  • higher levels of DA metabolites (HVA)

  • more D2 receptors

  • positive symptoms are similar to the effects of drugs that increase DA signalling

  • positive symptoms reduced by drugs that block DA signalling

  • schizophrenia is NOT a disorder of too much dopamine

  • higher DA activity in mesolimbic pathway

  • lower DA activity in mesocortical pathway

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antipsychotic drugs

  • most antipsychotics block D2 receptors

  • conventional antipyschotics are relatively selective in this action, atypical antipsychotics block other targets

  • if you inhibit dopamine a side effect is developing Parkinson’s like symptoms

    • fix one dopamine imbalance but create another in its place

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autism symptoms

  • poor social interaction

    • fails to respond to name, poor eye contact, resists cuddling, prefers playing/being alone

    • may not recognize/respond to social cues

  • repetitive behaviors

    • arranging objects, making sounds, hand flapping, head rolling and body rocking

    • inability to switch between behaviors easily

  • slow language development

    • >2 years, repeat with words/phrases, abnormal tone/rhythm

  • can be evident early on in childhood

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autism spectrum

heterogeneous group of disorders defined by a set of symptoms, varying degrees of symptoms + cognitive ability

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autism epidemiology

  • ~1% of population

  • more common in boys (3:1)

  • increase in diagnosis is associated w/increased awareness, increased parental age + more sensitive diagnostic procedures

  • conspiracy theories are associated with the increase including microplastics and vaccines but no evidence has proven these to contribute with higher rates

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ASD + synaptic density

  • synapse number is higher in childhood and remains higher throughout adulthood

  • greater cortical expansion in specific areas may predict ASD risk

  • when we see more cortex it isnt healthy, and we see this in ASD

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ADHD symptoms

  • two main symptoms which may manifest differently

  • inattention

    • lack of attention to details or careless mistakes

    • does not seem to listen when spoken to directly

  • hyperactivity/impulsivity

    • excessive fidgeting

    • running, climbing, restlessness in appropriate situations

  • three forms (combined + 2 predominant forms)

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  • 6-10% of the population

  • recent data suggests rates are increasing over the past few decades (this is mysterious)

  • conspiracy theory: big pharma, drugs are needed for ADHD so the increased diagnosis is financially motivated

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neural features of ADHD

  • reduced total cerebral volume as well as PFC, BG, dACC + cerebellum volume

  • delay in cortical maturation, prominent in the PFC

  • lower white matter volumes

  • lower DA levels (reward deficiency theory)

  • changes in the PFC are thought to be central to the disorder and its treatment with drugs

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psychostimulants for ADHD

  • most of these drugs work by increasing dopaminergic or noradrenergic transmission in different ways

    • people with ADHD normally have less dopamine, so the drugs increase the dopamine levels

  • amphetamine actions

    • dopamine and noradrenaline transporter inhibition

    • monoamine oxidase activity inhibition (altered metabolism)

  • methylphenidate actions

    • dopamine and noradrenaline transporter inhibition

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non-stimulant use for ADHD

  • 30% of people may not respond to stimulants

  • other people might be at risk for certain drug interactions with classic stimulants

  • non-stimulants for ADHD are also available (targets noradrenaline reuptake), guanfacine and clonidine (which target alpha2 receptors, activated by noradrenaline)

  • different side effects for these particular drugs

  • these target receptors not transporters

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normalizing DA levels

  • when you look at the healthy nervous system where everything is present, with the addition of the same drug does not correct anything, if anything it creates an imbalance

  • take a brain with too little dopamine and you inhibit dopamine transport, that is a good thing

  • if you take a brain that already has enough dopamine and you inhibit dopamine transport that is not necessarily useful and can be harmful

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