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How does Shakespeare start the play so that he gains the attention of the audience?
bad weather (thunder and lightning) and three witches speaking in rhymes (supernatural)
When do the witches plan to meet again and with whom to they wish to speak?
plan on meeting in an open field when battle is over and they want to talk to Macbeth
Highlight line 12 of Act 1 scene 1. our first introductions to the witches come when they say these words. What do they reveal about their character?
They have reverse morals and they like to mess with people's lives; speak in paradox statements
What three men are leading troops into battle against Duncan?
thane of cawder, macdonwald, and the king of Norway
Who defeated and killed Macdonwald?
What is to be the Thane of Cawder's punishment for his traitorous activities?
who will receive the Thane of Cawder's title?
What revenge does the witch plan for the sailor's whose wife wouldn't share her chestnuts?
the witches plan to kill the sailor (lost at sea)
what does the conversation about the witches plan to kill the sailor reveal about the witches' power?
the witches are stronger together than they are individually and they are quick for revenge.
what predictions do the witches make for Macbeth?
1) he will become Thane of Cawder
2) he will become king
why does Macbeth react the way he does to the witches' predictions?
Macbeth thinks that becoming thane and king are impossible because he does not know of the death of the thane and there is no logical way he would become king
what predictions do the witches make for Banquo?
1) lesser than Macbeth but greater
2) not so happy yet much happier
3)you shall get kings, though you shall not be one
In lines 132-141 of act 1 scene 3, what is the "horrid image" of which Macbeth speaks?
Macbeth is now Thane of Cawder. Nest step in the prediction is he'll become king. But how? he fears he may have to kill the king and this makes him uncomfortable and nervous
What further reward does Macbeth hope to receive from Duncan?
he hopes Duncan will appoint him next in line for the throne (prince of Cumberland) because he wants to see if the witches are right
in lines 35-39 of act 1 scene 4, who is named to succeed Duncan to the throne?
in lines 48-53 of act 1 scene 4, how does Macbeth react to the announcement of Malcolm succeeding Duncan?
Macbeth now knows that if he wants to be king, he'll have to kill Duncan and Malcolm and he is shocked that he would think these thoughts
Where is Duncan spending the night at the end of scene 4
Macbeths castle
What does the nature of the letter reveal about macbeth's relationship with his wife?
shows they are a team and they treat each other equally
in line 13-22 of act 1 scene 5, how does lady Macbeth characterizes her husband?
she says that because he is so kinds, he may lack the ambition to seize the throne
in lines 36-40 of act 1 scene 5, why does Lady Macbeth call upon the spirits to "unsex" her?
so she can get the "man strength" and feel less so she'll be able to convince Macbeth to kill Duncan and become king
In lines 66-68 of act 1 scene 5, what warning does lady Macbeth give Macbeth?
she tells Macbeth to present himself as innocent and happy and hide that he is planning on killing the king. this shows that Macbeth is being manipulated by his wife
What takes place in Scene 6?
Duncan, Malcolm, Banquo, and some nobles come to Macbeths house for dinner. Guests are blind to eerie foreshadowing things (bright day to thunderstorm; lady Macbeth-fatal entrance of Duncan)
how does lady Macbeth greet Duncan?
by praising him and all he has done for the country
in his soliloquy in lines 1-28 of act 1 scene 7, what reasons does Macbeth give for not wanting to kill Duncan?
consequences and karma, questions if he has ambition and he says Duncan has done nothing wrong and is will liked by the people
What reason against the murder does he give lady Macbeth?
Macbeth says the king just honored him and he does not want the feeling to go away
in lines 36-39 of act 1 scene 7, what does lady Macbeth imply about Macbeth's love for her?
she implies that by going back on this promise , Macbeth is going back on the promise of his love for her
what finally causes Macbeth to decide to commit murder?
his wife says that going on this promise lessens his love for her and makes him cowardly and less of a man so Macbeth wants to defend his pride.`
statement that appears to be self-contradictory but may include hidden truth
ex. "fair is foul and foul is fair"
reference to well-known characters or events in literature of history
ex. "till that Bellona's bridegroom, lapped on proof, confronted him"
when a character briefly speaks their thoughts aside to the audience when other characters are on the stage
ex. "do you not hope for your sons to be kings?"
what a character speaks their thoughts to the audience while alone on stage
five reasons Macbeth cites for not killing duncan
hell, karma, loyal subject/host (supposed to protect king), Duncan is a good person/king, and Macbeth just got new honors
In act 1 scene 7 lines 36-78, what are the four things lady Macbeth accuses her husband of?
are you afraid? questions his love for her, are you a coward? says hes not an honorable man, and are you REALLY a man?
In act 1 scene 7 lines 36-78, what does lady Macbeth know that allows her to so quickly change Macbeths mind?
she knows to push of his pride
what does Macbeths resolution indicate about his priorities and moral character?
his pride is more important than his morality
Character description: not a bad person but willing to do anything to please his wife, fierce soldier, good person at heart, cares about morals, easily swayed to make rash decisions
Character description: dark beings, powerful, guiltless when it comes to revenge, for tell the future, holds back critical details about the future, motivations for toying with Macbeth and Banquo (they enjoy preying upon people, enjoy others pain)
the withes
Character description: friend of Macbeth, jealous when witches only pay attention to Macbeth, witches say that his son will be king but he wont be king, innocent, honorable, contrast to Macbeth- suspicious about witches
Character description: good leader, well-liked by everyone, king, pretty oblivious
Character description: next in line for the throne (Duncan's son)
manipulative, selfish, only looking out for herself and he personal desires/ needs, cruel, power crazed, intense, twisted
lady macbeth
charm in a deceptive way
reprimand severely
characterized by guilt
diminish gradually
a person who announces the approach of another
to question deeply
a lack of gratitude
the intervening time
Broad concepts to help define reality
to get in between of
someone who serves another
a dangerous situation
to ask politely
someone who can predict the future
to suppose something is true without evidence
a man who held land granted by a king
to treat someone without seriousness or respect
deliberate and unprovoked
dry and shrivled