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opportunistic mycoses
Fungal infections that occur in individuals with weakened immune system
True pathogen
microorganism that can cause disease in healthy individuals with a normally functioning immune system
3 important fungal pathogens
Candida albicans, Coccidioides immitis, Aspergillus
Candida albicans
A opportunistic mycoses (yeast) that resides in the human mouth, throat, intestine, or vagina for a short lived time provident skin irritations > can been seen as a off-white pasty
Coccidioides immitis (fungi)
a true pathogen fungus that resides in the alkaline soils in hot climates in southwest of U.S (CA, AZ, TX, NM)> when inhaling airborne spores (arthroconidia) of the fungus it can create spherules in our lungs that release spores leading to respiratory symptoms, flu like symptoms, and rashes on skin
Aspergillus (mold)
A opportunistic mycoses that is consumed by airborne contaminants fungus from soil, decaying vegetation, and grains > spores germinate in lungs and can spread to sinuses, ear canals, eyelids, and conjunctiva (the membrane that protects your eye)
leads to allergic reactions, lung infections
thermal dimorphism (occurs in coccidioides immitis)
these are true pathogens fungi involves changes in shape, size, and other physical characteristics that help organisms adapt to different thermal environments
Is it a mold at 25-30 celsius (environmental conditions)
It is a yeast in response to increase in temp (body temperature, inside the host of 37 celsius)
why is thermal dimorphism important
Species can adapt to climate change
Ability to survive and reproduce
Dermatophytes + what type of pathogen are they
a group of fungi specifically mold (ringworms) that causes infections of the skin, hair, and nails usually from contaminated soil from airborne/contac > looks like ring shaped lesions
grow when inoculated (injected) into the skin wounds and abrasions (scratches) of healthy people
true pathogen
the types of Dermatophytes
Trichophyton (genus)
ringworm of the scalp, body, beard, and nails > focuses more on hiar, skin, nails ex is athlete foot
produces thin walled, smooth macroconidia (multicellular spores), and numerous microconidia (unicellular spore)
Epidermophyton (genus)
ringworm > affects ONLY skin and nails (no hair)
has ovoid (egg shaped), smooth, clustered macroconidia (multicellular spore), and no microconidia (unicellular spores)
Microsporum (genus)
ringworm > affects ONLY skin and hair (no nails)
produces thick-walled, rough macroconidia (multicellular spores), and sparser (scattered) microconidia (unicellular spore)
Thrush (Candida albicans)
thick, white adherent grown on the mucous membranes of mouth, throat > overgrowth of Candida > can cause redness and irritation
Diaper rash (Candida albicans)
develops in warm, moist environment of a baby’s diaper > skin barrier is compromised + wet, dirty diapers allowing Candida to overgrow > causing skin irritation, redness, inflammation, peeling
the types of Yeast infections (Candida albicans)
This includes Vaginal Candidiasis (Vaginal yeast infection) > which can cause itching, inflammation, white/thick discharge in the vaginal area
can also in be…
Cutaneous candidiasis: anywhere in the body where overgrowth of Candida > red, itchy rash, blisters on skin
Effective drugs for Candida albicans and there diseases >Nystatin (pill or liquid form)
treat fungal infections inside the mouth + lining stomach + intestines
Effective drugs for Candida albicans and there diseases > topical antifungals
medications applied directly to the skin or nails to treat fungal infections.
Effective drugs for Candida albicans and there diseases >Amphotericin B
treat severe fungal infections inserted by IV or injection
only chronic or systemic infections
Effective drugs for Candida albicans and there diseases > Fluconazole
used to treat serious fungal or yeast infections, including vaginal candidiasis, thrush, oral thrush, esophageal candidiasis (throat) > a pill or tablet
illness resulting from eating/inhaling toxins from fungi
when exposed to Aspergillosis > a type of mycotoxicosis aka toxic/poisoning compound > dangerous toxins + carcinogenic (can increase risk of cancer) > ingested from contaminated food > can affect poultry and livestock
What produces Aflatoxins
Produced by a fungi called aspergillus genus
Where can Aflatoxins be found
grown on grains, corn, and peanuts
Pseudohyphae and their role in Candida albicans
elongated, connected, attached chains of oval/cylindrical cells that resemble true hyphae that are found in fungi specifically yeast
in candida albicans
ability to adhere to host tissues, invade deeper into the body, and contribute to the development of infections
what fungi have Pseudohyphae
Candida Albicans
Valley fever Aka Coccidioidomycosis (the pathogen)
lives in alkaline soils in semiarid(dry with slight rain), hot climates in southwest united states > caused by inhalation of airborne spores (arthrospores) from the fungus Coccidioides immitis > will cause respiratory symptoms + skin rash + fatigue/headache
Arthroconidia: from Valley Fever aka Coccidioidomycosis
Arthroconidia is the more specific term used for conidia (asexual spores) formed by hyphal fragmentation in fungi like Coccidioides immitis (causes Valley Fever).
a cell that certain fungi, plants (moss, ferns) produce
Sick building disease
refers to a set of health-related symptoms caused by Mycotoxins from indoor mold growth
What causes Sick building disease
indoor air quality + contaminants (fungal)
What does Sick building disease affect
respiratory system,
neurological and
cognitive effects,
skin and eye irritation,
psychological effect
musculoskeletal symptom
a type of trichophyton infection; a fungal infection > rash may appear on different parts of the body
Arthrospores is a broader term referring to spores formed by hyphal fragmentation, sometimes used interchangeably with arthroconidia.
Life cycle and distribution of Coccidioides
exists as a mold with septate hyphae
hyphae fragment produces arthrospores when disturbed
Arthrospores are inhaled by susceptible host > travel to the lungs
warmer temp within the lungs initiate a change > arthrospores develop into spherules
Spherule ruptures, the endospores are released, allowing them to spread within the lungs or to other organs > growing into new spherules
candida auris
fungus (yeast) that can cause serious infections in humans, particularly in healthcare settings > Candida auris is resistant to many antifungal medications
contact with contaminated surfaces or medical equipment + prolonged antibiotic therapy
unhygienic places
forms biofilms