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demonstrates power through panopticon - prison design where all prison cells are visible to the guards from central watch tower, leads to self-surveilance.
Liquid surveilance
people are tracked more due to more technology and data accumulates.
Synoptic surveillance
everyone is watching everyone through social media and media meaning greater self surveillance. Also allowed society to control controllers e.g police doing wrong
crime prevention
‘broken windows’ policy - wilson and kelling - visible indicators of disorder e.g vandalism invites more criminal activity.
Situational crime prevention
Clarke - prevent crime in locations rather than catch offenders
control theory - individuals choose conformity of crime when they have strong social bonds, so focus on tighter family control and socialisation.
prevent deteriations of social spaces + police have zero tolerance anti-social behaviour.
Patterns of victimisation
-babies most likely to be murdered
-teens most likely to be assaulted sexually + violently +stolen from
-elderly victims of abuse
Victimisation : ethnicity
home office estimates 106,00 hate crimes per year, 300 per day
Victimisation sexuality
2018/19 8.1% of all hate crimes were linked to sexual orientation and 0.3% linked to transgenderism
-perpetrators were heterosexual males
Reasons for punishment
2)rehabilitation - reform prisoners
3)incapacitation- removes ability to offend again
functionalism + punishment
its necessary to maintain value consensus. criminals have broken society norms and vlaues so punishment shows right from wrong.
marxism + punishment
maintains capatalism. By creating laws which protect RC (wc criminals). punishment makes rest of society feel safe + gives a scapegoat for societies problems.
why prisons dont work
Hirschi - people dont commit crime due to family bonds, communites + friends. By locking them away they will loose these bonds .
-ex con is powerful master status