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Independent Variable
What get changed in an experiment (presumed causes)
Dependent Variable
Outcomes of practical value and interest
Field Studies
Studies in real-life organizational settings
Meta analyses
Using statistics to pool results of different empirical studies
Survey studies
Using questionnaires and interviews in sample populations
Case studies
Looking in depth at single situations
Laboratory studies
Studies in simulated and controlled settings
Mintzberg’s roles of effective managers
Planning, organizing, leading, Controlling
Defining goals, setting performance objectives, and identifying the actions needed to achieve them
Creating work structures and systems, and arranging resources to accomplish goals and objectives
Instilling enthusiasm by communicating with others, motivating them to work hard, and maintaining good interpersonal relations
Ensuring that things go well by monitoring performance and taking corrective action as necessary
Technical skills
Ability to perform specialized tasks
Human skills
Comprise the ability to work well with other people
Emotional intelligence
The ability to manage oneself and one’s relationships effectively
Immoral manager
chooses to behave unethically
Amoral manager
fails to consider the ethics of a decision or behavior
Moral manager
Makes ethical behavior a personal goal
Ethical mindfulness
An enriched awareness that causes one to consistently behave with ethical consciousness
Locus of control
Extent a person feels able to control his or her own life and is concerned with a person’s internal-external orientation
Tendency to adhere rigidly to conventional values and to obey recognized authority
leads a person to see the world as a threatening place and to regard authority as absolute
Terminal values
Reflect a person’s preferences concerning the “ends” to be achieved
Instrumental values
reflect a person’s beliefs about the means to achieve desired ends
cognitive frameworks that represent organized knowledge developed through experience about people, objects, or events
A bundle of features expected to be characteristic of people in certain categories or roles
Assigns attributes commonly associated with a group to an individual
Halo effect
Uses one attribute to develop an overall impression of a person or situation
Assigns personal attributes to other individuals
Contrast effect
Occurs when the meaning of something that takes place is based on a contrast with another recent event or situation
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Creating or finding in a situation that which you expected to find in the first place
Law of effect
Behavior followed by pleasant consequences is likely to be repeated behavior followed by unpleasant consequences is not
Continuous Reinforcement
Administers a reward each time a desired behavior occurs
Strong positive or negative feelings directed toward someone or something
range of feelings in the forms of emotions and moods that people experience
generalized positive and negative feelings or states of mind
predisposition to respond positively or negatively to someone or something
Existence needs
desires for physiological and material well-being
Relatedness needs
desires for satisfying interpersonal relationships
Growth needs
Desires for continued personal growth and development
Acquired needs
Need for achievement (nAch), Need for affiliation (nAff), Need for power (nPower)
Posits that people will act to eliminate any felt inequity in the rewards for their work in comparison with others
Organizational justice
Concerns how fair and equitable people view workplace practices and outcomes
Expectancy theory
Argues that work motivation is determined by individual beliefs regarding effort-performance relationships and work outcomes
The probability that work effort will be followed by performance accomplishment
Goal setting
Process of developing, negotiating, and formalizing the targets or objectives that a person is responsible for accomplishing
rewards employees in some proportion to productivity gains
Rewards employees in some proportion to changes in organizational profits
Stock plans
Gives the right to purchase shares at a fixed price in the future
Paired comparison
Appraisal compares each person with every other one
Forced distribution
Appraisals forces a set percentage of persons into predetermined rating categories
Graphic rating scales
Performance appraisal assign scores to specific performance dimensions
360 review
Assessment gathers feedback from a jobholder’s bosses, peers, and subordinates, internal and external customers, and self-ratings
Organizational culture
System of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members
External adaptation
Deals with reaching goals, the tasks to be accomplished, the methods used to achieve the goals, and the methods of coping with the success and failure
Internal integration
Deals with the creation of a collective identity and with ways of working and living together
Groups in which the patterns of values and philosophies outwardly reject those of the organization or social system
Multicultural organizations
A firm that values diversity but systematically works to block the transfer of societally based subcultures into the fabric of the organization
Observable culture
The way things are done in an organization
Shared values
turn routine activities into valuable and important actions, tie the corporation to the important values of society, and possibly provide a distinctive source of competitive everyday problems
focuses on refinement and reuse of existing products and processes
calls for the organization and its managers to stress freedom and radical thinking and opens the firm to big changes- or what some call radical innovations