yes by a lot and they cant be measured using a stethescope
is venous pressure lower than aterial pressures?
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increases the pressure in the thoracic cavity with compresses veins in the thorax preventing blood from retuirning to the heart increasing blood volume and pressure in the veins
what does the valsalva's maneuvar do?
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assist in diagnosis heart conditions
why is the valsalva's maneuvar used ?
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correction of some heart abnor. to normal sinus rythum allowing the ehart to be resent to normal rhythm
how can the valsalva's maneuvar be used as a treatment?
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othostatic hypotension
getting up and feeling dizzy due to blood pools in the dailated vessels in the legs
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labile blood pressure
emourmous increase in bp
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large increase of greater than 22mm in either systolic or diastolic pressure in resopnse to a physical discomfort genrally they have high cardiovascular reactivity to stressors of all kinds both physical and mental
what classifies someone as a hyperreactor?
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bp inreases no more than 22mm when there is a stressor cardiovascular system is less reactive to stressors
what classifies someone as a hyporeactor?
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peripheral artery disease
atherosclerosis of the legs descresed blood flow thru the legs can cuase pain when walking, coldness in the leg/foot, numbness, poor wound healing on the elgs, possible tissue death
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systol. pressure in the ankle/ sys. pressure on the arm
how do you calculate ABI?
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leading cause of illness and death within the us for both men and women causes more than a 3rd of the deaths each year condition whic h the artery wall thickens as a result of buildup of fatty material can occur in any artery and development is an ongoing process no symtoms until it is a major problem can weaken the outer wall fo the vessel
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damage to the epithelium by high bo, high blood glucose, carbon monoxide, chemicals in blood, infectious agents, cuasing cholesterol plaques
what is the intial trigger for the development of atherosclerosis?
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family history, anything that will damage vessel walls, smoking,
what are some risk facotrs for atherosclerosis?
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stop using tabacco, losing weight, becoming more active, eating well,