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The large muscle at the front of the thigh, which is divided into 4 distinct portions and acts to extend the leg
The largest and the outermost layer of the gluteal muscles
gluteus maximus
It is the longest muscle in the entire body
Any of several muscles having 3 points of attachment at one end particulary the large muscle at the back of the upper arm
The large muscle at the front of the upper arm that flexes the forearm
Biceps brachii
A large number of the upper chest wall that acts on the joint of the shoulder
pectoralis major
The smallest, thinnest, and deepest, of the gluteal muscles
Gluteus minimus
The tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel
achilles tendon
The ____ is located in the front of the body it´s where the 6 pack is located
rectus abdominis
An abdominal muscle whose action diminishes the capacity of the abdomen and draws the chest downward
external oblique
A fusiform muscle of the anterior thigh, one of the four parts of the quadriceps femurs. its name means straighten femur in latin
Rectus femoris
one of the anterior muscles of the leg situated on the lateral side of the tibia
Tibialis anterior
A muscle with orgin from the shaft of the femur. it is part of the quadriceps and is medial to the femur
vastus medials
A thin triangular muscle of the upper test wall beneath the pectoralis major
pectoralis minor
A muscle at the back of a persons upper leg
A part of the quadriceps that is lateral to the femur
vastus lateralis
A thick triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint used to raise the arm from the side
A large flat superficial muscle of the shoulder and upper back that can elevate depress or retract the scapula
A muscle stretching over the forehead (frontal bone) into the upper eyelid