Lean Production
A philosophy of streamlining production processes in order to increase efficiency and reduce waste
How to improve efficiency in production?
Improve motivation
Improve Technologies
Provision of training and development for employees
Methods of lean production
JIT (Just in time)
Good change or continuous improvement
Adv/Dis Kaizen
Employees involved in making suggestions to improve - motivating for employees
Reduce costs for the business due to higher efficiency - potential higher profit margins
Changing the culture to Kaizen is time-consuming and may be resistant to change
The cost involved - such as training employees
JIT (Just in Time)
A lean method of stock control where material are ordered to arrive only when they are needed.
Adv/Dis JIT
Reduce storage costs as extra stock is not required in the warehouse as well as overhead costs
Items may not get damaged as it delivered (JIT)
Reliant on suppliers to deliver on time and deliver good quality - need a good relationship with supplier
Inflexible to sudden changes in demand and changes in consumer tastes and preferences.
Quality Control
An inspector checks the final product at the end of the production process
Quality Assurance
Training all staff to check their own word throughout the production process.
Adv/Dis Quality Control
Inspectors are experts so should prevent poor quality reaching the customer
May be cheaper than quality assurance
Does not prevent mistakes from occurring in the first place
If items checked at the end than there can be wastage and high cost (not ideal for lean production)
Adv/Dis Quality Assurance
Employees are more motivated as given responsibility and training
Reduces costs of wastage and poor products by identifying issues early
Only works if all staff are committed to it and check products
Expensive and time-consuming to train all workers.
Quality Circles
Small groups of employees from different departments meet regularly to assess quality issues and make recommendations for improvement.
Adv/Dis Quality Cricles
Working in a team to solve problems can improve motivation
Employees may come up with good ideas to improve quality and productivity and feel valued and trusted
Could be potentially demotivating if ideas and suggestions are never used, so must be managed carefully
Employees may need to trained and should be suitably qualified to contribute
Comparing products and processes of a business against its competitors. Involves learning from them about best practices and adapting for use in the business.
Often focuses on improvements relating to
Adv/Dis Benchmarking
Can help determine strengths and weaknesses versus your competitor and identify areas of improvements to be implemented
TIme consuming and expensive to accurately benchmark competitors / may be difficult to obtain information
Total Quality Management
A zero defect approach where all employees are responsible for maintaining quality standards throughout the production process
Adv/Dis TQM
Production costs may fall as zero defects should reduce waste
May increase brand image for quality - could charge higher prices
Higher staff motivation - trust, valued, teamwork etc
Very expensive to train all staff and maintain standards for all workers
Takes time to change a culture - only works if everyone is fully committed to it - is it realistic?
Cradle to Crade Manufacturing
A sustainable, waste-free production model in which all material inputs can be recycled and reused.
Recycle Materials
Adv/Dis Cradle to Cradle
Help provide better brand image - ethical loyalty
Can provide USP for the Business - differentiate from competitors
Costs involved of only using these - likely cheaper to use other materials
Potentially time-consuming to source materials - opportunity cost
International Standards
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are internationally recognized quality standard.
National Standards
Each country may have different standards for quality for different industries.