Control Unit (CU)
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Memory Address Register (MAR)
Memory Data Register (MDR)
Address Bus
Data Bus
Obtains data from memory and decodes it into instructions
Coordinates all the units of the computer
Holds the memory of the address data to be used by the ALU
Holds address of where processed data will need to be stored
Holds the data to be used by the ALU
Holds a copy of the contents of the memory to be transported to other components of the CPU
Stores data and instructions currently in use - can be overwritten
Volatile - whenever power is lost its memory is wiped
Can be written to
Stores permanent instructions and data - info is embedded cannot be overwritten
Much smaller than ROM
Holds the Basic Input / Output System (BIOS)
Stores frequently used instructions
Is used to save time in accessing the RAM, as can be accessed faster than the RAM
Situated between RAM and CPU, so closer to CPU
Very small
CPU sends address from MAR of instruction through the address bus to the primary memory (RAM)
Instruction in that particular address is sent through the data bus to the CU, stored in MDR
Relatively slow memory that can be written to
Hard drives, USB sticks, Floppy disk
Peripheral communication - communicating directly with hardware (keyboards, mice, printers)
Memory management - manages how memory is used by applications, ensures one doesn’t interfere with the memory of another
Data management - accessing and storing data
Allocates and deallocates specific sections of memory to each process
Ensures that a program has sufficient memory to run
Ensures that the memory assigned to one program is not overwritten