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Where was Fitzgerald born?
St. Paul, Minnesota
What school did Fitzgerald attend?
Where did Fitzgerald meet Zelda?
Montgomery, Alabama
What job did Fitzgerald have before marrying Zelda?
Advertiser in New York
When did Fitzgerald marry Zelda?
Only after his first successful novel in 1920
What were the name of the writers with the Fitzgeralds in France?
Expatriates, Lost Generation
What did Fitzgerald call the 20s?
The Jazz Age
How did Fitzgerald’s relationship with Zelda end?
Zelda began to show signs of mental decline and Fitzgerald began to drink heavily before falling in love with Sheilah Graham, a gossip columnist in Hollywood.
The Black Sox played against
The Cincinnati Reds
Who was supposedly not part of the conspiracy?
Shoeless Joe Jackson
Who supposedly bribed the White Sox?
Arnold Rothstein
How did Rothstein die?
He died from a bullet wound injury following a high-stakes poker game at the Park Central Hotel
Bootleggers were
Criminals who sold alcohol during the prohibition era
Who does Meyer Wolfsheim represent
Arnold Rothstein