Supporters: Originalist
text based focused on the original intent of the founding fathers
Anti: Living Constitutionalist or Purpotsist
intention based, believes in updating the text into modern day issues
the division of power between a central gov and state gov
federal powers are enumerated
states have general police powers which are reserved
the judiciary should protect the role of the states w/in the fed system and enforce textual limits on powers of congress
is the statue in Q a criminal law with relation to commerce or economic enterprise
does the law contain a “jurisdictional element“ that limits its self
are there congressional findings that detail the affect of regulated activity on interstate commerce
is the link between the activity and it’s effect on interstate commerce remote
Rehnquist, O’Connor
threatens to sweep all productive human activity into federal regulatory reacher
the real problem is drawing the line between national and local issues
abandon post new deal jurisprudence; the court abandons any attempt to enforce Constitutional limits on federal power
not consistent with congress’s enumerated powers to buy sell barter or transport across state lines
is a shadow docket bc it was not issued after full briefing and argument on the merits
federal polices since Gonzales v. Raich consistently prevent states from implementing medical marijuana laws
fed government has the power to pass Controlled Substance Act
new limits on Congressional powers
commerce clause legislation
the tenth amendment is a limit on Congressional powers
feds can not compel state legislative action