Sui Dynasty; returns China to centralized rule
Tang Dynasty in China
Song Dynasty in China
Delhi Sultanate rules India
Indian Ocean Trade
World's richest maritime trading network that was essential for the prosperity of East Africa
A very large flatbottom sailing ship produced in the Tang and Song Empires, specially designed for long-distance commercial travel.
Monsoon winds
The seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and southern Asia, blowing from the southwest in summer and from the northeast in winter. (in India and nearby lands) the season during which the southwest monsoon blows, commonly marked by heavy rains; rainy season. any wind that changes directions with the seasons
Delhi Sultanate
The first Islamic government established within India from 1206-1520. Controlled a small area of northern India and was centered in Delhi.
Military and political leader with absolute authority over a Muslim country
Muslim mystics who seek communion with God through meditation, fasting, and other rituals
A religion and philosophy developed in ancient India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being who takes many forms
Bhakti Movement
Indian movement that attempted to transcend the differences between Hinduism and Islam
Caste System
a set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society
Sui Dynasty
[581-618 CE] The short dynasty between the Han and the Tang. Reunified China, built the Grand Canal, strengthened the government, and introduced Buddhism to China.
Tang Dynasty
[618-907 CE] The Chinese dynasty that was much like the Han, who used Confucianism. This dynasty was a Golden Age in China utilizing things such as the equal-field system, a bureaucracy based on merit, gunpowder, printing, and a Confucian education system.
Belief system that started in India in the 500s BC. Happiness can be achieved through removal of one's desires. Believers seek enlightenment and the overcoming of suffering.
Song Dynasty
[960-1279 CE] Chinese dynasty that ruled the country during one of its most brilliant cultural epochs. It is commonly divided into Northern and Southern periods, as the dynasty ruled only in South China after 1127. This dynasty emphasized the Civil Service System as Neo-Confucianism emerged during this time. Additionally, it introduced Champa Rice and Flying Money which greatly impacted the population and economy of China respectively.
A philosophy that emerged in Song-dynasty China; it revived Confucian thinking while adding in Buddhist and Daoist elements.
Civil Service System
Administrative system of the traditional Chinese government, the members of which were selected by a competitive examination over Confucian values and teachings, creating a meritocracy and one of the only major outlets for social mobility. The system led to the rise of the Scholar-Gentry class during the Tang Dynasty, which grew in power and status during the Song Dynasty.
Champa Rice
Quick-maturing rice that can allow two harvests in one growing season. Originally introduced into Champa from India, it was later sent to China during the Song Dynasty as a tribute gift by the Champa state (as part of the tributary system.) Contributed to the rapidly growing Chinese population.
Yuan Dyansty
[1279-1368 CE] Dynasty in China set up by the Mongols under the leadership of Kublai Khan, replaced the Song
Kublai Khan
[1215-1294 CE] Grandson of Genghis Khan and founder of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty in China.
Ming Dynasty
[1368-1644 CE] Succeeded Mongol Yuan dynasty in China; initially mounted huge trade expeditions to southern Asia and elsewhere, but later concentrated efforts on internal development within China.