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JavaScript code runs on a ____________.
JavaScript code runs on a JavaScript Engine.
Name 2 examples of JavaScript Engines.
Specify which browser they are for.
V8 (Chrome)
SpiderMonkey (Firefox)
JavaScriptCore (Safari)
JIT stands for…
Just-In-Time compilation
What is JIT compilation? Why is it considered a hybrid type of program execution?
Hybrid approach (combo of interpretation & compilation)
At runtime —> compiles part of code into bytecode & eventually optimized machine code
Synchronous Code
What is it?
Pros v.s. Cons
Executes tasks sequentially, one at a time
Waits for each task to finish before moving to the next one.
Easy to follow
Predictable execution flow (easy to identify reasoning
Can be inefficient — the program remains idle while waiting for tasks to complete
Long-running operations, block execution, leading to poor user experiences
(long-running operations = tasks in a program that take significant amount of time to complete)
What are long-running operations (in a program)? Name an example.
Def: Long-running operations block execution, leading to poor user experiences
(long-running operations = tasks in a program that take significant amount of time to complete)
File I/o — Reading or writing large files from disk
Network requests — Download files, fetching data or making database queries
Complex Calculations — Performing difficult computations
Waiting for user input — Pausing execution until user provides input
_____________________ can cause delays, making a program slow/unresponsive.
Long-running operations can cause delays, making a program slow/unresponsive.
Asynchronous Code
What is it?
Exexutes tasks independently of main program flow
Can handle tasks such as I/O operations, timers, and HTTP request more efficiently
Allows the program to continue running while waiting for tasks to complete
The program can execute other tasks while awaiintg
Enables handling of concurrent operations w/in a single thread
_______________ is the environment in which JavaScript code is evaluated and executed.
Execution context is the environment in which JavaScript code is evaluated and executed.
Each execution context has its own…
variables, scope, and this
Name & describe the 3 different Types of Execution Context in Js
Global — Default environment where code execution begins.
Functional — Created each time a function is invoked.
Eval — Executed code w/in the eval function (not recommended for use in modern JavaScript)
Execution Context — Phases
Involves 2 main phases
Creation Phase
Execution Phase
Creation Phase — Description.
JS engine set sup memory space for vairables & functions
All variable declarations are hoisted to top of their respective contexts
All of them are initialized to have the value ‘undefined’
Function declarations are also hoisted but with their actual definitions, making them fully available even before the code execution reaches their point of declaration
Creation Phase — Global Execution Context v.s. Functional Execution Context
Execution Phase
During this phase, JS engine executes code line by line & performs the following tasks:
Assigns values to variables
Processes function expressions
Executes functions
Runs code w//in function context immediately when the function is invoked
Execution Phase — Global Execution Context v.s. Functional Execution Context
Memory Heap
Where memory allocation occurs
Objects & functions are stored here
In memory diagrams —> objects are represented as boxes that are diff colours & sizes
The size of a box reflects the amount of memory an object uses
Define the following and describe its functions.
(a) Call Stack
(b) Global Execution Context (Global EC)
(c) Function Execution Context
(a) Call Stack
Data structure
Tracks function calls & execution order
Follows a last-in & first-out (LIFO) order
Functions are pushed when called and popped when they finish execution
(b) Global Execution Context (Global EC)
The default environment wherever JS starts executing
Created when the script first runs & remain active until the program ends
(c) Function Execution Context
A temporary environment created whenever a function is invoked, storing local variables, function arguments, and scope chain
Pushed onto call stack and removed when execution completes
Web APIs
Part of JS engine
Handle tasks like…
DOM manipulation (DOM API)
Asynchronous operations
AJAX requests like XMLHttpRequest
modern fetch() API for network requests
T or F: Is Web APIs a part of the JS engine.
Web APIs is NOT a part of JS engine.
It is provided by the browser.
Schedules a function to run after a specified delay, without blocking other code.
Repeatedly executes a function at fixed intervals, while the rest of the code continues running.
AJAX Requests
Sends network requests w/o blocking the main thread, allowing the program to continue executing other code while waiting for a response.
fetch() API
A modern way to make asynchronous HTTP requests, using Promises to handle responses w/o blocking execution.
Callback Queue
When asynchronous operations need to defer a task for future execution, the callback functions associated with these tasks are placed in Task Queue
Once the Call Stack is clear, the event loop will take functions from Tasks Queue and push them onto the Call Stack to be executed
Microtask Queue
Similar to Task Queue but has a higher priority
Specific to certain operations like resolving promises (promise illustrated in the diagram)
Jobs here processed at the end of the current run of JS event loop, before the next event loop tick begins
Event Looop
Circular arrow b/w the Call Stack & Task Queue represents the Event Loop which checks the Call Stack & determines if it needs to add any functions from the Task Queue to the Call Stack
Callback Function
A function passed as an argument to another function
Invoked inside the outer function to complete a specific task
Commonly used in asynchronous operations to delay execution until an event occurs or a task completes
Helps maintain efficient execution flow
Useful for tasks like data fetching
function processUserInput(input, callback) {
const result = `Processed: ${input}`;
processUserInput('Hello', (result) => {
document.getElementById('myButton')?.addEventListener('click', function() {
console.log('Button was clicked!');
Explain how this code demonstrates:
(a) Callback functions
(b) Event listeners
(a) Callback functions
function processUserInput(input, callback) {
const result = `Processed: ${input}`;
t takes 2 parameters:
input: a string value
callback: a function passed as an argument
it creates a new string (result
), formatting it w/ “Processed
: “ before the input
It then calls the callback
function, passing result
as an argument
processUserInput('Hello', (result) => {
calls processUserInput
w/ “Hello” as input
Passes an anonymous arrow function as the callback
The callback simply logs the result
to the console
(b) Event listeners