AP GOV Required Court Cases

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McCulloch v. Maryland Clause

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Flashcards of the 2024 Required Cases

28 Terms


McCulloch v. Maryland Clause

Supremacy Clause, Federal enumerated powers trump state powers

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McCulloch v. Maryland Summery

Congress creating national bank in Maryland, Maryland wants to tax them for it.

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US. v. Lopez Clause

Congress exceeds INTERSTATE COMMERCE CLAUSE, 10th amendment makes it a state right.

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US. v. Lopez Summery

Lopez broke Gun Free Schools, but Federal gov cannot make that law since it has nothing to do with commerce, leaving it up to states.

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Baker v. Carr Clause

One Person, One Vote Principle, Districts have to be a certain size bc of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause

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Baker v. Carr Summery

Tennessee had uneven districts due to Gerrymandering

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Shaw v. Reno Clause

Equal Protection Clause based on ideal of “colorblindness” by the Constitution

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Shaw v. Reno Summery

North Carolina drew districts based on race to increase minority vote representation (Gerrymandering)

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Marybury v. Maddison Clause

Judicial Review by Supremacy Clause (Congress gave judicial review power to themselves)

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Marybury v. Maddison Summery

Marybury was nominated / elected before Jeff. left office, Maddison took his place and didn’t put him to work, not giving his commission.

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Ingle v. Vital Clause

Establishment does not allow promotion of national religion

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Ingle v. Vital Summery

States cannot hold prayer in public schools, even if its voluntary / nondenominational

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Wisconsin v. Yoder Clause

Free Exercise Clause by First Amendment outwighes State

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Wisconson v. Yoder Summery

Amish did not want their kids “indoctrinated” in high school,wanted to pull form school after 8th grade. State tried to say no, but was overruled by SC

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Schenck v. US Clause

Espionage Act - Speech can be restricted under wartime / if it disrupts military proceedures.

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Schenck v. US Summery

Schenck promoted draft resistance, hindering the military. He argued Free Speech but Espionage Act trumped it.

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Tinker v. Des Moines Clause

Symbolic speech is protected under Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment

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Tinker v. Des Moines Summery

Students wore black armbands to protest Vietnam, got suspended. Argued Free Speech and won.

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New York Times v. US Clause

Freedom of the Press - really hard to rule against therefor NYT won the case

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New York Times v. US Summery

Nixon administration wanted to stop publication of Pentagon Papers, but it was ruled that they cannot obstruct Press

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Gideon v. Wainwright Clause

Courts must supply attorney in state governments and big government if one cannot afford one (6th Amendment Fair Trial)

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Gideon v. Wainwright Summery

Wainwright asked for a court appointed attorney, state argued they don’t have to, Wainwright appeals to the SC and it is ruled that courts must provide attorney.

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McDonald v. Chicago Clause

2nd Amendment right to bear arms cannot be stripped by state

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McDonald v. Chicago Summary

Chicago made handguns virtually impossible to get, SC ruled that it was unconstitutional to take right ot self defense

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Brown v. Board of Education Clause

Equal Protection Clause under 14th Ammendment

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Brown v. Board of Education Summery

Black students were segregated out of white schools, Court held segregation as unconstitutional, overturned Plessy v. Ferguson

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Citizens United v. FEC Clause

Free Speech Rights

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Citizens United v. FEC

Bipartisan campaign reform act

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