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Hierarchy of Needs
Assumes that lower level needs MUST be satisfied or at least relatively satisfied before higher level needs become motivators.
Lower level needs have PREPOTENCY over higher level needs; that is, they must be satisfied or mostly satisfied before higher level needs become activate.
Conative Needs
The five needs are ______. meaning they have a striving or motivational character.
Physiological Needs
MOST basic needs of any person
MOST prepotent of all
They are the only needs that can be completely satisfied or even overly satisfied.
Recurring nature
Example: Starving people become preoccupied with food and are willing to do nearly anything to obtain it.
Safety Needs
Physical security, stability, dependency, protection, and freedom from threatening forces.
Differ from physiological needs in that they CANNOT BE OVERLY SATISFIED.
Love and Belonging Needs
Desire for friendship, wish for a mate and children, need to belong to a family, a club, a neighborhood, or a nation.
Includes some aspect of sex and human contact as well as the need to both give and receive love.
Esteem Needs
Includes self-respect, confidence, competence, and the knowledge that others hold them in high esteem.
Esteem Needs from the eyes of others.
Esteem Needs from own feelings of worth and confidence.
Self Actualization
Include self-fulfillment, the realization of all one’s potential, and a desire to become creative in the full sense of the word.
Is NOT dependent on the satisfaction of either love or esteem needs; they become independent from the lower level needs that gave them birth.
B-Values (Being Values)
Indicators of psychological health and are opposed to DEFICIENCY NEEDS, which motivate non-self actualizers.
The ultimate level of needs.
Motives of self-actualizing people.
Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Wholeness, Aliveness/Spontaneity, Uniqueness, Perfection, Completion, Justice and Order, Simplicity, Richness or Totality, Effortlessness, Playfulness/Humor, Self-Sufficiency/Autonomy
What are the Values of self-actualizers?
Deprivation of any of the B-values results in _____ or the lack of a meaningful philosophy of life.
Free from psychopathology
Had progressed through the hierarchy of needs
Embracing the B-values
Full use and exploitation of talents, capacities and potentials
What are the criteria for self-actualization?
Deficiency Love (D-Love)
Self-actualizing people are capable of both giving and receiving love and are no longer motivated by the kind of _____.
Self-actualizers are capable of _____. It is mutually felt and shared and are not motivated by a deficiency or incompleteness within the lover.
Aesthetic Needs
Cognitive Needs
Neurotic Needs
What are the 3 other categories of needs?
Aesthetic Needs
The need for beauty and aesthetically pleasing experiences.
Cognitive Needs
Desire to know, to solve mysteries, to understand, and to be curious.
Neurotic Needs
Lead only to stagnation and pathology.
Are usually more apparent than real. If we understood the unconscious motivation underlying the behavior, we would recognize that the needs are not reversed
Expressive Behavior
Frequently unconscious and usually takes place naturally and with little effort. It has no goals and is merely the person's mode of expression
Coping Behavior
Ordinarily conscious, effortful, learned and determined by the external environment.
Deprivation of self-actualization needs.
The absence of values, the lack of fulfillment, and the loss of meaning in life.
Instinctoid Needs
Maslow hypothesized that some human needs are innately determined even though they can be modified by learning.
Jonah Complex
The fear of being one’s best.