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Functions of Osseous Tissues
support, protection, movement, mineral homeostasis, energy storage, and blood cell production.
mineral homeostasis
store minerals: calcium & phosphorus // releases minerals into the blood to maintain critical mineral balance (homeostasis)
Energy storage
yellow bone marrow, involved with fat, provides energy
Blood cell production
hemopoiesis in the red bone marrow
Parts of a Long Bone
diaphysis, epiphysis, metaphysis, articular cartilage, periosteum, medullary cavity, and endosteum
shaft area
ends of the long bones
junction of the diaphysis
articular cartilage
hyaline cartilage covers the ends of the long bone
dense regular C.T. surrounds the entire bone except the articular cartilage is located
Medullary cavity
marrow, hollowed area inside the diaphysis
thin layer of potential bone-producing cells that lines the marrow area (medullary cavity)
Parts of an Osteon
Comprise lamellae, lacunae, canaliculi, central canal, and osteocytes.
Bone Cells
Include osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts.
Osteoprogenitor or Osteogenic cells
can become when needed; develop into osteoblast
cells produce bone
old mature cells that maintains the bones
bone resorption, breaks down the bone
Intramembranous Ossification
A less common ossification process occurring in flat bones like the skull and scapula. It produces bone on or within a membrane.
Intracartilaginous Ossification
The most common ossification process converting cartilage into bone. It requires blood supply because bone is vascular.
Factors Influencing Bone Development
minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium
vitamins: D for calcium, C for CT, B12 for RBC
hormones: human growth hormones, thyroid hormones, parathyroid hormones, insulin-like growth factors, sex hormones
Zones of the Epiphyseal Growth Plate
zone of calcified cartilage, zone of hypertrophic cartilage, zone of proliferating cartilage, and zone of resting cartilage.
Osteogenic Sarcoma
Bone cancer, often seen in teenage boys. It can be treated if found early, amputation if not.
Demineralization of bones, common in women over 50. As they go through menopause and their estrogen levels drop, the calcium levels drops and cartilage weakens.
Wear and tear arthritis where the hyalin cartilage which makes up the reticular cartilage at the end of the bone begins to wear away because cartilage is avascular and can’t replenish easily
Axial Skeletal Bones
Include cranial, facial, vertebral bones with specific features like sella turcica, parts of the sternum, and rib classifications.
8 cranial bones
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid
14 facial bones
nasal, lacrimal, zygomatic, maxillary, palatine, inferior nasal conchae, vomer, mandible
hyoid bone
non-articulating (free-floating) bone in the neck
26 vertebral
7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 1 sacrum, 1 coccyx
24 ribs
12 pairs of 2, connected by different kinds of cartilage
flat breastbone containing:
manubrium: suprasternal notch, 2 clavicular notches
xiphoid process
sella turcica
located in the body of the sphenoid bone, forms the hypophyseal fossa which supports and protects the pituitary gland
first 7 pairs of ribs are true ribs because attach directly to sternum with costal cartilage
ribs 8-10 are false ribs because connect to vertebrae and costal cartilage of rib 7
Floating ribs
ribs 11-12 are false ribs and don't have any anterior attachment
External auditory meatus (canal)
part of temporal bone in ear
crista galli
part of ethmoid bone that sticks up and is an attachment for meninges
foramen magnum
“large opening” through occipital bone for spinal cord to travel down
Sutures and Fontanels
Coronal, sagittal, squamous, and lambdoid sutures, along with fontanel locations.
coronal suture
located between frontal and parietal bone
sagittal suture
located between parietal bones
squamous suture
located between parietal and temporal bones on both sides
lambdoid suture
located in back of head, looks like upside down triangle between occipital and parietal bones
soft parts on head when intramembranous ossification hasn’t completed. Allows for compression of head during labor. Soft parts on head when intramembranous ossification hasn’t been completed. Allows for compression of head during labor.
anterior fontanelle
between parietal and frontal bones
posterior fontanelle
between parietal and occipital bones
anterolateral fontanelles (2)
at junction of frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones
posterolateral fontanelles (2)
at junction of occipital, parietal and temporal bones
Classifications of Bones
long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid, and sutural bones with examples.
long bone
Long: length is greater than its width
Eg: humorous, radius, ulna, meda carpal, phalanges, femur, shin, fibula, metatarsals
short bones
Length and width are approximately equal like
Eg: carpal (wrist) bones: scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezius, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate
Eg: ankle: Talus, calcaneus, navicular, scaphoid, medial, intermediate, lateral cuneiforms, cuboid
flat bone
bone that has 2 parallel plates of compact bone with spongy bone in between
Eg: sternum, ribs, parietal bones, frontal bones
irregular bones
not long, short, or flat
Eg: vertebrae, hip, facial bones
sesamoid bones
specializes bones found in areas with there’s a lot of pressure an friction
Eg: patellae (knee caps), some have it in base of thumb or big toe
little bones that develop in suture lines of skull
Parts of Typical Vertebrae
Body, vertebral arches, processes
vertebral arches (2)
made up of peddicles and lamina on left and right sides, they meet and come together at vertebral foramen where spinal cord is
7 processes of typical vertebrae
2 transverse processes, 1 spinous process, 2 superior articulating processes, 2 inferior articulating processes
structure of IVD
fibrocartilage, outer annulus fibrosis and inner nucleus pulposus which is egg-yolk material inside. Its like a jelly donut: firm on outside and soft on inside.
function of IVD
cushion, shock absorber between vertebral bodies
Atypical Vertebrae
Atlas (C1) and Axis (C2) with their unique features.
lacks body, lacks spinous process, has 2 lateral masses associated with it, anterior and posterior arch
typical vertebrae with everything a regular one has but with a projection called “dens” that atlas pivots around
lower limbs
hip bone, femur bone (thigh bone), patella (knee cap), tibia, fibula (lateral bone), 7 ankle bones: tarsal, talus, calcaneus(heel bone), navicular, 1st, 2nd, 3rd cuneiform, metatarsal, 14 phalange bones(toes).
upper limb
clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius(lateral bone), ulna(medial bone), carpal, metacarpal, 14 phalanges bones(fingers),
lateral side of the hip bone where the head of the femur fits in
Olecranon fossa
distal humerus posterior surface, when we extend the forearm, the olecranon fits in together.
proximal end on the posterior surface of the ulna, tip of the elbow
Glenoid fossa (cavity)
part of the scapula, where the head of the humerus fits in. Little shallow cup socket
Greater trochanter
proximal end of the femur. The muscles attached to it help the movement of the thigh.
trochlear notch
associated with the ulna, proximal, fits to the trochlear at the distal end of the humerus where the hinge joint is.
Medial & lateral malleoli
Medial malleoli → distal tibia, Lateral malleoli → distal fibula. Malleoli → think of the ankle region, ankle joint, between the tibia, fibula, and talus all fit together.
head of the radius
proximal end of the radius, it articulates with the capitulum of the humerus, the movement of the arm pronation & supination happen there
3 structural joints
Fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial joints
fibrous joint
lacks a joint cavity, bones are held together by fibrous connective tissues
ex: sutures of the skull, gomphosis (tooth fits into jawbone), syndesmosis (located on the distal end of the tibia and fibula)
cartilaginous joint
synchondrosis joint: no joint cavity. Bones meeting cartilage.
growth plate. bone → growth plate(cartilage) → bone
Ex) Rib → costal cartilage → sternum → costal cartilage
bones are joined by fibrocartilage, a cushion in between.
ex: Pubic symphysis, intervertebral disc joints
synovial joint
①diarthrosis(freely moveable)
②has joint cavity associated
③ends of the bone is covered with articular cartilage
④surrounded by the articular capsules
⑤outer layer is fibrous, strong & dens irregular CT
⑥inner layer is made up of synovial membrane which secretes synovial fluid(lubricates & nourishes the joints)
⑦has ligaments(bind bone to bone)
⑧some synovial joints have bursa (pl. bursae) which reduces frictions
⑨meniscus(articular discs)
immobile joints
joints that allow for slight movement
Freely moveable, the most mobile joints, also known as synovial joints
Ligament Function
Binds bone to bone, providing stability to joints.
Bursa Structure and Function
nickel to a quarter-sized small fluid sac, contains synovial fluid, reduces friction between the tendon & bone, ligament & bone, muscle & bone
bursa injury
Types of Movement
Flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, circumduction, inversion, and eversion with examples.
adding something - moving a body part towards the midline
ex: shoulder, hip, fingers if middle is midline
abducting something - moving a body part away from the midline.
ex: shoulder, hip, fingers if middle finger is midline
movement of proximal bone in circle while proximal end remains stable
Ex: shoulder and hip
Turning the foot so the sole faces towards the midline.
Turning the foot so the sole faces away from the midline.
decrease in angle between bone
Ex: forearm going closer to shoulder, fingers, neck when you bring chin to chest, arm at shoulder
increase in angle
Ex: forearm back into position, fingers back into place, toes, knees, hip
forcible wrenching or twisting of a joint that stretches or tears its ligaments but does not dislocate the bones. It occurs when the ligaments are stretched beyond their capacity
stretched or partially torn muscle or muscle and tendon. It often occurs when a muscle contracts suddenly and powerfully
Spina bifida
congenital (present from birth) defect of the vertebral column in which laminae of L5 or S1 fail to develop normally and unite at the midline
Cleft palate
the palatine processes of the maxillary bone fail to unite during weeks 10 to 12 of embryonic development
Abnormal lateral bending of the vertebral column, usually in thoracic region
Muscle tissue functions
Movement, postural support, organ volume maintenance, thermogenesis.
Skeletal muscle
Voluntary, striated muscle connected to the skeleton.