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What is the Mass?
From the time of the apostles, the Mass has been the central act of Catholic-Christian worship.
What does the Mass celebrate?
It is a celebration of the Eucharist that Jesus instituted at the Last Supper when he commanded his apostles to “Do this in memory of me.”
What happens when we go to Mass?
We prepare ourselves for a sacred encounter with the Lord each time we go to Mass
What is the order of the Mass?
Introductory Rites of the Mass
The Liturgy of the Word
The Liturgy of the Eucharist
The Rite of Communion
The Concluding Rites
What is the Introductory Rites?
The part of the Mass that unites us as a community and prepares us to hear God’s Word and to celebrate the Eucharist
How do we begin Mass?
We all begin Mass with the Sign of the Cross prayer
What is the Sign of the Cross?
It is essentially a prayers invoking the Trinity to be with us
What happens when we make the Sign of the Cross?
We enter into a sacred tradition that goes back to the early centuries of Christianity. It dates back to the first century. Christian believers marked themselves with the Sign of the Cross throughout the day.
The Priest initiates “The Lord Be With You.” What do we respond with?
“And With Your Spirit”
What comes after this?
We recite The Confiteor
What happens when we recite the Confiteor?
This means “I confess”
We confess our sins openly to God as we begin the Mass and examine our conscience through this prayer in preparation to receive grace
What is the “Lord Have Mercy?”
A prayer recited three times when we ask for God’s mercy
What is “Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison?”
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
The portion of the Mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily
Where is the First Reading from?
It is from the Old Testament, except during Easter when it is from The Acts of the Apostles
Where is the Responsorial Psalm?
A psalm sung or said after the first Scripture Reading. It is from the Old Testament in the Book of Psalms
Where is the Second Reading from?
It is from the New Testament
Where is the Gospel from?
It is from the New Testament
Who provides the Homily or Sermon?
The Priest Deacon (must be an ordained minister)
What is the Homily or Sermon?
It is a reflection on the Gospel and the Readings of the day
What do we say when we recite the Profession of Faith?
The Nicene Creed or sometimes the Apostle Creed
What is the Creed?
It is a summary statement of the faith used in the Church as a rule or standard for Christian belief
What story does the Creed summarize?
The story of Scripture or Salvation History
What is the sequence of the Creed?
Christ’s incarnation,
Christ’s death,
Christ’s resurrection,
Sending the Holy Spirit,
To the era of the Church
Christ’s second coming
What is the Prayer of the Faithful?
Intercessory prayer for all
What happens after the Prayer of the Faithful?
preparing the Altar and Gifts
How does the Liturgy of the Eucharist start?
With the Eucharistic Prayers
Where are these prayers rooted in?
These prayers have their roots in Jewish table prayers recited at every meal
What pattern does the Eucharistic Prayers follow?
Blessing of the Bread and Wine
Retelling the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection
Offering praise to God for Creation
Invoking the Saints and Martyrs
Consecrating the Bread and Wine
The Lord’s Prayer
Rite of Peace
Lamb of God
What prayer do we recite during the Eucharistic prayer?
The Lord’s Prayer
What is the Rite of Peace?
Exchange of peace before receiving Communion
What are the Words of Consecration?
The words by which Christ Instituted the Eucharist, repeated at the Consecration during every Mass: “For this is my Body…For this is the chalice of my Blood”
What is the Rite of Communion?
The Body and Blood of Christ
What is said after the Eucharist?
The Concluding Rites
What is the Concluding Rites?
It is a blessing and dismissal
We are we sent forth to do after Mass?
We are sent forth to do the Mission of Christ here on earth