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Sources of Law
Various origins of legal rules and regulations
American System
Incorporates freedom, self-governing, and organized revolution
Common Law
Uniform legal system, judge-made law, based on precedent
Inductive System of Law
Legal rules developed from similar cases, creating precedent
Stare Decisis
Principle of following past legal decisions as precedent
Equity Law
Allows judges to create solutions for unique cases
Statutory Law
Laws derived from legislative bodies, anticipate societal issues
Constitutional Law
Highest law in the US, cannot be overridden
Void for Vagueness Doctrine
Law is too unclear for a reasonable person to understand
Overbreadth Doctrine
Law restricts more activities than necessary, limiting expression
Executive Orders
Legal orders issued by the president or governor
Administrative Law
Regulations set by government agencies, subject to judicial review
Judicial System
Comprises federal and state courts with distinct functions
Appellate Courts
Review legal procedures and application of law from trial courts
Amici Curiae
Friends of the court who file briefs and present oral arguments
Plurality opinion
Opinion joined by more justices than other options in a case
Per Curiam opinion
Drafted by one or more majority members and published as the court's opinion
Memorandum order
Announces vote without providing an opinion
Sitting en Banc
When a larger panel of judges hears an appeal
De Novo
When a court of general jurisdiction hears an appeal from a limited jurisdiction court
Judicial Review
Court's power to declare laws or actions invalid if they violate the constitution
Initiates a civil suit and can be awarded monetary damages
Party against whom the civil suit is filed
Motion to dismiss a civil suit by denying everything
Official verbal answers under oath
Official written answers under oath
Monetary award given to the plaintiff if they win the case
Criminal Prosecutions
State charges against private individual
Federal Grand Jury
Indicts in federal cases (16-23 citizens)
Formal accusation by prosecutor
Formal reading of charges with plea
Standards of Proof
Criminal: beyond reasonable doubt; Civil: preponderance of evidence
Legal Citation Number
First page number of a case
Concurring Opinion
Agrees with result but not reasoning
Writ of Certiorari
Agrees to hear appeal of lower court ruling
Per Curiam Opinion
Unsigned opinion from appellate court
Rule of Four
At least 4/9 justices agree to hear a case
US Courts of Appeals
Total: 13
US Supreme Court Cases
Accepts fewer than 100 cases annually
Bench Trial
Trial without a jury, judged by a judge
Amici Curiae Briefs
Interest groups' briefs with vested interest
Clear and Present Danger Test
Words used in circumstances presenting clear danger of evil
Schenck v United States
Legal case involving WW1 socialist speech restrictions
Brandenburg Test
Standard for incitement of violence from media products
Strick Scrutiny Standard
State must prove compelling interest to regulate content
Incorporation Doctrine
First Amendment liberties applied to all government levels
Prior Restraint
Government prohibition of speech before it occurs
Near v Minnesota
Legal case ruling Minnesota's prior restraint unconstitutional
Pentagon Papers Case
Legal case allowing newspapers to publish documents on Vietnam conflict
Tinker v Des Moines
Supreme Court ruling against suspending students for wearing armbands
Hazelwood School District v Kuhlimeir
Court ruling school can censor high school newspaper for pedagogical concerns
Bethel School District v Fraser
Court ruling school did not violate free speech by suspending student
Frederick v Morse
Court ruling school did not violate student's free speech rights
Censorship of College Newspapers
Legal cases involving restrictions on college newspaper content
First Amendment Rights
Protected freedom of speech, religion, and press in the US
Suppression or control of information or expression
Public Forum
Space open for public expression, like a college yearbook
Book Banning
Prohibiting access to certain books in libraries
Time, Place, Manner Restrictions
Regulations on when, where, and how speech can occur
Strict Scrutiny
Highest standard of judicial review for laws restricting speech
Public Forums
Spaces like parks with high protection for free speech
Designated Public Forums
Spaces intentionally created for expressive activities
Private Property
Non-government owned spaces with no First Amendment protection
Prior Restraints Laws
Legislation preventing felons from profiting off their crimes
Hate Speech
Speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups based on race, religion, etc.
Fighting Words
Words likely to provoke a violent reaction when spoken to or about someone
Election Campaign Regulations
Laws governing political campaign financing and contributions
Randall v Sorrell
2006 case where SC found Vermont campaign finance law unconstitutional for restricting campaign spending and contributions
Citizens United v Federal Elections Commission
2010 case where SC overturned law prohibiting unions and corporations from using general funds for advocacy ads near elections
Communication Decency Act
1996 act ruled unconstitutional by US SC in 1997, granting internet highest First Amendment protection
Net Neutrality
Principle of treating all internet traffic and content equally without charging more for faster access
Tort Law
Legal remedy for civil wrongs, excluding breach of contract, providing compensation to the injured party
Lawsuit Steps
Sequence: complaint, answer, motion to dismiss, discovery, settlement, trial, appeal
Jury Decision
In civil cases, jury decisions do not always require a unanimous verdict
Texas Court Choices
Options: county court or district court for legal proceedings in Texas
Five Sixths Agreement
Valid verdict in civil trials
SLAPP Lawsuits
Lawsuits brought to silence others with exaggerated damage claims
Damaging someone's reputation with truth or falsehoods
Presumed Publication
Material in mass media is automatically considered published
Trade Libel
Focuses on false statements about products causing monetary loss
Legal wrong allowing injured party to sue
Statute of Limitations
Time limit to file a lawsuit (1 year for libel in Texas)
Default Judgment
Court decision against defendant for not answering complaint
Pure Opinion
Non-defamatory statements based on personal views
Potentially defamatory implied meanings
Attribution Rule
Every republication of libel is considered a new libel
Group Identification
Statements about large groups not grounds for libel suits
Libel Per Quod
Innocent statements becoming defamatory with additional facts
A claim made by a defendant against the plaintiff.
Process where parties exchange relevant litigation information.
Voluntary resolution of issues with a neutral third party.
Agreement to resolve disputes with a binding decision.
Request to court to dispose of a case or portion of it.
Legal proceeding if parties do not reach an agreement.
Jury Trial
Trial where either party can choose a jury of 6 or 12.
Process where either party challenges a trial decision.
Legal document outlining plaintiff's claims against defendant.
Civil Law
Addresses disputes between individuals or organizations.
Criminal Law
Involves charges brought by the government against individuals.
A written defamation that harms a person's reputation.