In light of the cost of capital, one area for managers to control ________ is working capital management
Management of short-term _____ and short-term ___**** to maximize financial results
Resource; obligations
The manager must ensure that there is ____________ on hand to meet the organization’s needs and also to minimize the _______ of that cash
adequate cash; cost
Cash not immediately needed should be _______, earning a return for the organization
Excess **____** should be minimized
The money spent on inventory that is not yet needed is NOT generating a return
If the organization **________** before they are due, it will also lose the time value of money
pay its bills
The most common short-term resources are:
Marketable securities
Accounts receivable
Cash is needed for normal daily transactions such as paying for ______________
salaries and supplies
principal reason(s) that organizations want to keep some cash on hand or in their bank accounts:
Although many activities can be __________, managers can never foresee everything that might happen
principal reason(s) that organizations want to keep some cash on hand or in their bank accounts:
It is a good idea to have it available if an attractive ___________ opportunity arises
The purpose of a business is to generate returns on _________
Cash earns a very low rate of return
If we invest all of our cash in the business we would increase our returns – but then we wouldn’t have cash for _________ and emergencies
At the other extreme, we can keep all our resources in cash, but then we wouldn’t earn _______________
high returns
Managers must find a middle ground, trying to keep enough _____ available, but not too much
Cash ______ should be placed into interest-bearing accounts as soon as possible
There are a variety of alternative short-term investments that have the potential to earn a higher ______________, but there are trade-offs
rate of return
The two most common short-term investments are
__________________ which offer low risk, low returns, and decreased liquidity (since there are often penalties for early withdrawal)
__________________ which offer higher returns, higher risk, and greater liquidity
Certificates of deposit (CDs); Marketable securities (e.g. stocks and bonds)
A company should always attempt to collect accounts receivable as as ________ possible
The purpose of a business is to generate returns on investments – the cash collection *is* the return
sooner we collect cash, the sooner we can re-invest it and earn __________________
quickly; more return
The ______ we allow an account receivable to be outstanding, the _______ the chances that it will ever be collected
It is important to monitor unpaid receivables to minimize credit losses
longer; lower
Risk of selling on credit is possible ____________, if we extend credit to a customer who does not pay
Companies establish credit policies to determine which customers ____________________
receive credit
Extending credit to less creditworthy customers increases the likelihood of ______________
credit loss
Set credit policy to _______ gains
Careful management of inventory can also save money for the organization
The purpose of a business is to generate returns on investments
_______________ is *not* generating a return!
excess inventory
Costs associated with inventory
Purchase cost
***____*** costs (from carrying too much inventory)
________ costs (from carrying too little inventory)
carrying; ordering
Carrying costs
Two categories: ______ cost and ___________ costs
capital; out-of-pocket
Capital cost: The _____ your level of inventory, the _____ you have paid out to suppliers, and the less money available to invest to generate returns
greater; more
Rent on space where inventory is kept
Insurance and taxes on the value of inventory
Losses due to obsolescence
Cost of annual inventory counts
Costs of damage, loss, and theft
If we keep relatively little inventory on hand to keep carrying costs low, we will have to order inventory ________****
more often
Cost of having employees place orders
Shipping and handling charges for the orders
Cost of correcting errors when orders are placed
Ordering costs
All of these ordering costs ________ in the frequency of placing inventory orders
Too much inventory: _________ use of capital, other out-of-pocket costs (e.g. inventory obsolescence)
Too little inventory: risk that you _________ of finished goods and lose out on sales, incur ordering costs
run out
More accuracy with __________ decisions in order to reduce excess raw material inventories
Improved _________________________ to eliminate bottlenecks and work-in-process buildup
manufacturing processes
More accurate projections of _________ to help optimize production of finished goods inventory
The just-in-time (JIT) inventory method aims to drive carrying costs to an _____________
This is accomplished by having inventory arrive just as it is needed for every single step of production
Absolute minimum
Advantages: no storage costs, reduced handling costs, minimum breakage, and no need to pay for inventory before you need it
Disadvantages: increased ordering and shipping costs, and the risk that production lines will be stopped if inventory doesn’t arrive just in time
Just-in-time (JIT)
As a general rule, managers should try to _______ payment of short-term obligations in order to keep money available to invest to generate returns
However, this must be balanced against any negative consequences related to delayed payments
Trade credit terms generally offer a ________ for prompt payment
There is generally no _____________ with trade credit (i.e., on your accounts payable)
But there is a cost to routinely delaying payments and harming your relationships with suppliers
interest charge
_________________ are incentives granted to buyers to encourage early payment
Part of a supplier’s stated credit terms
Stated as a percentage of the purchase price
Cash discounts
Should you pay early and take the discount?
The implied annual rate of return is ____________
If there is an interest penalty for late payments: yes
If there is no interest penalty: maybe…will your relationship with the supplier worsen if you pay late?
You are much more likely to get a loan if you establish a ____________________ with a bank
long term relationship
It provides an opportunity to show the bank that your organization has thought through its ________________ situation
Ability to anticipate temporary cash needs before the cash is needed, and know when you’ll have a surplus
working capital
In exchange for ______ arrangements, many times banks require the organization to keep always keep a certain amount of money in the bank