The most common short-term resources are:
Marketable securities
Accounts receivable
The two most common short-term investments are
__________________ which offer low risk, low returns, and decreased liquidity (since there are often penalties for early withdrawal)
__________________ which offer higher returns, higher risk, and greater liquidity
A company should always attempt to collect accounts receivable as as ________ possible
The purpose of a business is to generate returns on investments – the cash collection *is* the return
sooner we collect cash, the sooner we can re-invest it and earn __________________
Careful management of inventory can also save money for the organization
The purpose of a business is to generate returns on investments
_______________ is *not* generating a return!
Rent on space where inventory is kept
Insurance and taxes on the value of inventory
Losses due to obsolescence
Cost of annual inventory counts
Costs of damage, loss, and theft
Cost of having employees place orders
Shipping and handling charges for the orders
Cost of correcting errors when orders are placed
_________________ are incentives granted to buyers to encourage early payment
Part of a supplier’s stated credit terms
Stated as a percentage of the purchase price
Should you pay early and take the discount?
The implied annual rate of return is ____________
If there is an interest penalty for late payments: yes
If there is no interest penalty: maybe…will your relationship with the supplier worsen if you pay late?